The Couple vs the Drunk Squad

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Ravioli_Revali17: Just to say that the couple part was requested by gamemaster-kel. He's an awesome guy, so go follow him! (Oh yeah, and the Drunk squad part is made by me)

(Link joined the chat)

(Mipha joined the chat)

Link: Anyone else here?

Mipha: Nope.

Link: Good, because I got disconnected on purpose.

Mipha: I really didn't want to share my deep secret you know.

Link: Oh. Still, we probably have the same secrets.

Mipha: Yes. I still want to thank you for saving me on that day, when I was stranded in Geurdo desert.

Link: Thanks Mipha.

Mipha: :)

Link: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Mipha: Awww.....

Meanwhile in another chat....

(Ravioli joined the chat)

(Dwunk Gurl joined the chat)

(Dum Rocc joined the chat)

(Robot Boi joined the chat)

Ravioli: SuuUU UUUu UP  pEO PleZ! (Sup people!)

Dwunk Gurl: o H Hi wA viow I. (Oh hi Ravioli)

Dum Rocc: hE l0 eVEr Y0 nEZ i da Du M rOCC.

Robot Boi: I c AN sPE AK EnG LIS H!! (I can speak English!)

Ravioli: wHEr MeP ha an d lUn c? (Where is Mipha and Link?)

Dum Rocc: mE dU nnO. (I dunno)

Dwunk Gurl: mEE T oO. (Me too)

Robot Boi: ?? ?

Meanwhile for Link and Mipha....

Mipha: 🥰

Link: :)

Mipha: I'm so glad that the others aren't here.

Link: Me too. They just won't give us time, especially for Revali.

Mipha: True. 

Mipha: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Link: 😊

Link: You know, I'm glad the most that we get to spend some time here!

Mipha: Me too! I love spending time with you, Link!

Link: Thanks! You know, want to make this chat private?

Mipha: Yes!

(Link blocked Revali off the chat)

(Link blocked Urbosa off the chat)

(Link blocked Daruk off the chat)

(Link blocked Terrako off the chat)

(Link blocked Zelda off the chat)

Meanwhile for our drunk people....

Ravioli: w HaT w e dO????? (What do we do?)

Robot Boi: i DU nNO (I dunno)

Dwunk Gurl: r OCc d o U hAv sOM thI ng to D O!?!?!? (Daruk, do you have something to do?)

Dum Rocc: nO pE. (Nope)

Ravioli: I hA v n O IDE a sO I go A sK Auth OR. (I have no ideas, so I'll go ask the author)

Dwunk Gurl: hA v a NI ce dAi (Have a nice day)

(Ravioli left the chat)

Meanwhile at the author's house....

Ravioli_Revali17: I think it's a nice time to write a story for my fans! Hmm.... what should I write....

Ravioli: Hel LO AU thOR! (Hello author!)

Ravioli_Revali17: REVALI!?!?!?!?!?

Ravioli: I NEeD So ME ide AS f0R whA  T tO d 0 or I 'L l KI lL u. (I need some ideas for what to do, or I'll kill u)

Ravioli_Revali17: GAAAAH! Well, I.... uh....

*Bomb arrows go pew pew*

Ravioli_Revali17: AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!!!

Ravioli: -_-

Meanwhile for the miphlink....

Mipha: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Link: No I do more!

Link: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Mipha: Aww...

Mipha: I think we're already shipped.

Link: Really? I was about to say that too! 

Mipha: What should we name it?

Link: What about.... Miphlink?

Mipha: That's great! I like it!

Link: ☺️


Link: :)

Mipha: Do you want to visit the domain tomorrow?

Link: Okay! That sounds great!

Mipha: Yay!

(Dwunk Genie joined the chat)

(Dum Rocc joined the chat)

(Robot boi joined the chat)

Dwunk Genie: hE LLo pEO pleZ (Hello people)

Mipha: O///////O

Link: 0///////////0

Dum Rocc: o H Luk MepH an D LUn K! (Oh look Mipha and Link!)

Robot boi: I c An SpeAAAAAAAAAAAAK! ( I can Speak!)

Mipha: You....... can?

Robot boi: o H lU k Lu V stoRY i TaiK pIC (Oh look love story! I'll take a picture!)

*Snaps photo for like 100 times*


(Ravioli joined the chat)

Ravioli: PiC cA N I Se E? (Picture? Can I see?)

Dwunk Genie: M e T o O. (Me too)

Dum Rocc: M E TO O(ME TOO)

*Robot boi shows pic*

Ravioli: mE H. (Meh)

Dwunk Genie: i Ge t ou T BYeEEEE (I'll get out. Bye.)

(Dwunk Genie left the chat)

Dum Rocc: I GO to o. (I'll go too)

(Dum Rocc left the chat)

(Ravioli and Robot boi left the chat)

Link: O.....Kay?

(Link and Mipha left the chat)


Ravioli_Revali17: Please........Help........

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