The One to Sacrifice

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Urbosa: I should sacrifice my self because even if I'm the chief of Geurdo, there are other people I can trust like right now. I'm basically like Link, expect that I'm weaker. Although it may be a huge impact for my town, I know that my people can get over with it.

Mipha: Don't! You can use thunder! I would want to sacrifice my self, but my father won't. I'm in royalty.

Daruk: No I should, because Urbosa has a town to run, Mipha is a princess, Link is Zelda's appointed knight, and Revali has a longer life to live than I do! I'm not a chief or some kind of royalty, so I know it won't be big even if I die.

Revali: Daruk, I don't think you should. You're like a leader of us, if Link and Zelda are absent. You can also create some awesome force field, and can swing that big and heavy Boulder Breaker like a normal broadsword! Instead, I can only create some updrafts and carry a bow. I don't have a defense when I'm on the ground too. I'm only strong in the air, and what if I got shot  in my wings? Plus, even if I went, there are other Ritos who can replace my spot! I know that it won't be the same, but I know that you guys will get used to it.

Zelda: ......Revali, it's an amazing talent to create updrafts, and have the gifts for supreme aerial combat! 

Terrako: Beep Boop Bopeep Bop Beep Boop Beepop! (You should agree with Zelda too Revali!)

Revali: Thanks Terrako and Zelda, but compared to everyone, I'm the most lowest ranking champion here. I should meet my fate.

Link: Don't do it! Even if you bullied me sometimes, but you're still a great champion! I mean, I should go because there are plenty of other talented knights.

Zelda & Mipha: No!

Revali: Link. The girls here love you, and I'm just an arrogant narcissist who made people think bad. I should go, and you should live.

Mipha: Please Revali! Don't I could get permission from my Dad!


Mipha: .......I'm sorry Revali. I'm terribly sorry.

Terrako: Beepop..... (Revali.....)

Revali: Anyone agree that I should die?

Everyone else: ..............................yes.....................

Revali: Good......

Urbosa: So..... that's the decision huh?

Daruk: That Revali is going to

Zelda: Die......

Terrako: Beep Boop Bop Beep Boop. (I think it's clear now.)

Link: ............Yeah

Revali: ..........

Revali: Hey guys?

Zelda: Yeah?

Revali: I need all of you to make one promise with me.

Link: Okay.

Revali: After I die, promise me to never make this your fault. You need to move on without me, or all of Hyrule will get destroyed.

Mipha: Okay....

Daruk: .........

Urbosa: Like..... don't make me cry right now. Yes.

Zelda: I promise that I won't Revali.

Terrako: Boop beep... (I'm crying...)

Link: This isn't your's or our fault. We all know that it's Astor's. I'm sure that I can make this promise.

Revali: Good....

*Revali sighs deeply*

Revali: I should really go now.

Revali: Thanks guys. I really want to thank about everything we've gone through. Good bye.

*Revali flew off in the distance*

Link: Should we leave now?

Zelda: Yeah.....

*Everyone sighs*

Zelda: Let's go now.

*Zelda walked away*

*Link road Epona and left*

Terrako: Beep.... (Bye....)

*Terrako followed Zelda*

*Urbosa walked away*

*Mipha walked away*

*Daruk rolled away*

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