Chapter 22

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Draco didn't find Y/n anywhere on lunch. And Emily was nowhere in sight to ask where her best friend was.

Doing the lunch reluctantly, he left for his next class. He spotted Y/n and Emily exiting the library, talking and laughing occasionly.

Before he could catch up, Harry Potter was in the view, grinning at Y/n. Y/n's face lit up and Draco watched as Harry snaked his arm around her waist and lead her somewhere.

Y/n waved at Emily before following Harry. Draco clenched his jaw and wanted to follow the pair. But deciding against it, he left for his class.

As the time slowly passed, Y/n made her way to the Potione classroom. Hesitant. She knew Draco was in this class and she didn't want to face him.

Taking a deep breath, she entered the classroom. It was mostly filled, no Slughorn yet. She sighed and settled across the classroom from Draco beside Emily again.

" Where did Potter take you? " She asked, frowning. Y/n chuckled, " I skipped lunch so he had brought me some food. "

" Awe, that's sweet. But you like someone else, don't you? " Emily smirked and Y/n's face fell. Emily was quick to notice and sighed. " He messed up, didn't he? "

" I'll tell you later, Em. Not now-"

Just then, Slughorn came in and Y/n sighes. Emily nodded at her and gave her hand a squeeze. " Today, we will be reviewing some Potions. Let's brew Potion for Dreamless Sleeping first since it's important for your N.E.W.Ts."

Y/n sighed, Dreamless Sleep, I could use some of that! She thought and decided to get ingredients. Slughorn sighed.

" Tssk. Tssk. Why aren't any of you in your assigned seats? Change now, quickly! " Y/n nearly dropped her book. Clutching her book, she nodded at Emily before heading towards Draco.

The seat beside him was occupied by Pansy. She sighed and stood there, waiting but Pansy didn't move. " I'm not moving. "

" Get the fuck up, Pansy and move. I'm not waiting for you to act princess. " Y/n hissed, her eyes hardened. Pansy blinked, surprised at her outburst. Most of the class was, because well Y/n never cursed. And no one had seen her so angry.

Pansy stumbled her with her books and made her way towards Emily. Y/n dumped her things loudly and settled in the seat, staring at Slughorn with an emotionless look.

Draco shifted in his seat, uneasy. He had never, not in his entire life had seen Y/n so furious. It made him slightly nervous to approach her.

She didn't even spare him a glance, which annoyed him and Harry was looking at her with a worried glance. Once he noticed Y/n looking back at Harry, she smiled softly and nodded.

He rolled his eyes and clenched his jaw. He hadn't noticed Y/n was already working on the Potion herself. He didn't know what to say or do. So he just sat there, watching her.

Halfway through the class, a piece of parchment in the shape of a bird flew towards Y/n. Y/n lowered the fire and grabbed it with a frown, opening it.

" Did you survive the Avada Kedavra curse? Because you’re drop-dead gorgeous. "

Was written on it with a scribbly hand writing. Y/n covered her mouth to keep herself from laughing and looked at Harry, who winked.

She gave him a look to stop, but the smile she was trying to hide was too wide. Draco glared at the words in the parchment.

Platonic did she say? He's hitting on her!!?

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