Chapter 2

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" Hurry up, Y/n! "

I roll my eyes and check myself over in the mirror once more before grabbing my wand and making my way downstairs with the trunk.

" Coming, coming. Can you chill?! " Nathaniel Belle, by brother rolled his eyes at me and we went to settle in the car.

" So, sixth year. Excited? " I giggled.

" Not much! I have advanced Potions and Charms. " I sigh and Nathaniel snickers. " Good for you. "

" Don't act like you don't have N.E.W.Ts this year, " I reminded, making him groan. " I'm telling you, mum and dad. These are very important exams. If he fails, his future fails. " I smirk and he glares at me.

" If that is so, than do your best, Nate. " My mum, Leia says and my father, Steven nodded. " Of course, I will. After all, I've been better at Potions than

" Don't be too overconfident. " I cut him off and laugh with my parents while he huffs. " Whatever. "

The ride towards the Kings Cross Station was a big one but once we got there, I turned to mum and dad. " I'll miss you guys. "

I hug both of them and dad smiles.
" Write me if something happens. " He kissed my forehead and I nodded. " Bye, mum. Love you! "

I hug my mum too before following Nate through the wall. As I reach the Hogwarts express, I quickly scan for Emily or Daphne.

Emily Coleman and Daphne Greengrass have been my best friends ever since I got sorted.

It was hard to be a muggleborn in Slytherin house, Em and Daph always welcomed me and had my back. I was thankful for them.

Unfortunately, I couldn't spot any of them so I gave my trunk to load with others and got in the train, following Nate.

" N/n!!! " I whipped around, finding Emily making her way towards me. My face stretched into a big grin as the curly haired girl enveloped me in a hug. " I missed you! " I mumbled against her shoulder and Emily let go.

" Seriously! Me too. I've got so much to tell you! " She squeals and I chuckled.
" Did you two forget me or something? " A third voice interrupted and I grinned at Daphne.

" Of course, not. Daph, honestly. It was one boring summer. " I giggled and hugged Daphne. " Mine too. Too much gossip. But before that, what's with you? "

She smirked and I frowned. " Pardon? " Emily chuckles from behind me, causing me to give her a puzzled look.
" You look beautiful. Like more than last year. "

She winked and blood rushed up to my cheeks. " Oh, shut up! Come on, I want to meet Theo. " The two giggled, making me shake my head.

I followed between both of them down the small corridor and reached the Slytherin section of the train. Passing public compartments, we reached the last two private ones.

Nate had already disappeared somwhere while I scanned the compartment. There was Blaise, Theo, Olan and Malfoy and Pansy. I grinned at Theo, who gave me a goofy one back before pulling me in a tight hug.

" What did you do all summer? Not a single letter-"

" Whoa, let the girl breath, Nott. " Olan grinned and I smiled at him. " Hi.
Hi, Blaise. Hi, Pansy, Malfoy." I settled beside Emily and Daphne locked me in between by sitting on my other side.

" Now, tell me. Why didn't you write-"

" Does it matter? " Draco asked, a scowl on his face. He always hated me. Guess why? I think it's easy to guess. I'M A MUGGLEBORN. And he hates my guts. I mean, mate get over yourself. Even Pansy accepted me years ago.

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