Chapter 10

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Y/n gasped, shooting up with cold sweat covered her body, tears streaming down her face fifth night in a row.

Emily stirried and jumped off her bed, which woke up Daphne and Pansy. The three instantly rushed to her side.
" N/n! It was just a nightmare. "

Emily reassured and Y/n took deep breaths. " I'm sorry. " She breathed out falling back. " Sorry for waking you
up. "

" Hey, it's fine. As long as you are okay. " Pansy smiled and Y/n sighed. " I'm fine, thanks for waking me up. "

Emily was worried. Y/n didn't really leave her dorm at all after that night. Even if she did, she was jumpy and scared of almost everything and anything.

So Snape had found it better to just dismiss her of classes. After another few minutes, when the three girls went to sleep, Y/n opened her eyes.

She stared at the ceiling, taking deep breaths. She knew she won't be able to sleep now. The nightmares were terrible. She tip toed out of the room, making her way to the Common Room.

Sitting infront of fire, she let out a content sigh and hugged her knees, staring into the burning wood in the fire with creaks.

She was so busy zoned out that she didn't hear footsteps and presence beside her.

Draco gently placed his hand on her shoulder, making Y/n jump. " Relax, its
me. " He whispered and Y/n let out a shaky sigh. " Sorry. "

" It's alright. Couldn't sleep? " Y/n nodded. " Couldn't sleep. " She twirled the ribbon of her nightwear as she stared at the fire. Draco watched her.

She barely left her room, but she was getting better and that was a relief. The first two days, she hadn't talked at all and compared to that, he had found it as a huge difference.

The two sat in silence for what seemed like hours. When Y/n was dozing off to sleep, Draco scooted closer and let her head rest on his shoulder.

After enjoying the moment forever, he sighed and decided to take her upstairs.
Picking her up bridal style, he started climbing the stairs.

Y/n nuzzled into his neck and Draco smiled to himself as he layed her on her bed gently, tucking her under the covers. " Night. " He whispered, kissing her forehead before leaveing the room.

What he didn't know, was Emily being awake and having watched the scene with pure surprise and awe.


" Are you sure? " Y/n nodded. " Yeah! Let's go. " The four girls went down stairs, and headed for dinner. Theo hugged Y/n and kissed her temple, making Y/n smile.

" I'm here. "

She nodded, grateful. Her eyes met Draco's, who was already staring at her. It was confusing. Why was he nice? Is it because he felt bad? But the way he warned Finn was something else.

Sure, it was blur and Y/n didn't want to recall it, his words rang through her head. He was looking out for her. There was no other explaination for Y/n that made sense.

She smiled at him softly anyway, melting Draco's all the insides. He nodded in return, pushing her a cup of coffee. Y/n smiled to herself and took a sip.

From across the hall, her eyes met Harry's. She mentally facepalmed. Of course they'd be worried. She gave him an apologetic look and finished her breakfast.

" I'll just talk to Harry. He seems worried. " She muttered and got out of her seat. " Well, you've been busy. " She winced.

Sitting by the Black Lake, Harry settled beside her and Hermione and Ron across them. " It's not like that. "

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