Chapter 14

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While sitting for breakfast in the Great Hall, a few owls soared in, dropping four letters in front of me. I frowned, setting my fork down and picked up the letters.

" Got yourself an admirer? " Draco snickered and I rolled my eyes. " Yes, one is from Draco, here. "

He scoffed. " Why would I-"

" Oh, shut up! Here. " I slid him the letter that was adressed to him and one was for Blaise and Daphne. I swiftly opened mine and frowned deeper.

" Miss Belle,

I'm delighted to announce that you are welcome to the Slughorn Dinner Party that will take place this evening on Seven o clock sharp. Plus one as a guest is allowed.

Address- Slughorn Office, Third Floor.
- Horace Slughorn. "

" Why me? I've heard he only calls those famous and top students." I looked over at the staff table and Slughorn smiled at me. I returned a confused one back before turning to Daphne.

" And how did you get one too? " I snickered and Daphne huffed. " Stop poking fun of me. You've got one too. I mean, I understand about Blaise and Draco. They're top at Potions and somewhat popular-"

" Excuse us, but somewhat? " Draco said smugly, " We are most popular and hottest-" I rolled my eyes at his gloating and stared at the letter.

" Oh, well! " I read the last line again.
" I'm pretty sure Blaise is going with Daphne. " I smirked and Daphne blushed while Blaise chuckled.

" That leaves you and Draco. "

" We'll find ourself a date. " Me and Draco chorused and others burst out laughing. I huffed, rubbing my temples as blood rushed to my cheeks.

" Oh, it's obvious, isn't it? Draco is taking me. " Pansy laughed and I bit my lip to keep myself from snickering at Draco's face. " Yes, of course. " He gave her a fakest smile and I shared a funny look with others.

My eyes met Harry from across the room and he winked at me. I chuckled, nodding. " Of course, The Chosen One. " Theo said dramatically and I rolled my eyes.

" Well, you didn't ask me, Theo. " I gave him a sly smirk and he chuckled. " It's too late, I guess. "

I hummed, taking a sip of my coffee.


I ran through my closet, looking for a dress to wear for tonight. Daphne hugged me from behind, looking through it herself too.

" That one. "

" I've got to admit, Waoh! I love your fashion sense. " I giggled, taking out the dress and heading towards the bathroom.

" Thanks, N/n."

I quickly got in my dress and Daphne helped my hair into an simple hairstyle while I did hers. Finishing our make up, I grabbed my heels and sighed.

I looked at myself in the mirror once more. I liked this dress very much.

 I liked this dress very much

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