Chapter 6

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As the weekend arrived, Y/n dreaded it. She was never ready to a go for a party filled with drunk and high teenagers.

" N/n! How's this? " Daphne twirled. Y/n looked up and down. " Would you mind not doing that? You're turning me on. "

Y/n winked and Daphne laughed. Emily got dresses too while Pansy was taking long in the bathroom. Which left Y/n in her pj's.

" Pansy, hurry up. " Emily banged on the door and Y/n giggled.

She did her make up and brushed her hair, letting them fall on her shoulders. As Pansy came out, before Y/n could reach her wardrobe, Emily was already digging in for a dress.

" This! " She said triumphantly and Y/n looked at it. " Okay, " She shrugged and grabbed the dress. Stepping in the bathroom, she stripped and pulled on the black dress.

She glanced at herself one more time and walked out. Emily whistles and Daphne clapped with Pansy, making
Y/n laugh. " Stop it, you guys! " She huffed, grabbing a pair of heels.

" Girls! Ready? " Theo's voice came and Emily opened the door. " Yep. " Y/n smirked as Theo looked at her wide eyed before clearing his throat.

As she put on her second heel, everyone was already out. Straightening her dress, she made her way towards the door. " Whoa! You are not wearing that. "

Y/n nearly crashed into Draco by the stairs and frowned. " Why? " She frowned, looking at herself up and down. " Because it's too revealing. "

Draco frowned too

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Draco frowned too. He looked at her up and down, his throat went dry.
" Um.. Are you already drunk? "

" No, Belle. I'm not. Fine if you want to look like you're asking for it. " He shrugged and turned on his heels, his cheeks red. Y/n scoffed and started climbing down the steps.

" I'm just me. Whoever thinks that are to blame about their conceited
mindset. " She muttered and Draco bit the inside of his cheek to hold himself from smiling.

It was strange for him. He had never seen Y/n more than a filthy mudblood ever since she was sorted. But since the fourth year, something in the way had changed.

He had found himself sometimes staring at her or unintentionally sitting behind her in classes. Or just insulting her so that she could give him some attention.

He watched as she walked towards her group of girls and grabbed a fruit punch. It made him chuckle to himself. It was amusing and yet cute for him that Y/n didn't drink nor do drugs.

The dress she wore was balck with lace and hugged her body in every right angle. He just couldn't take hid eyes off of her. He hated to admit it, but she was looking damn hot and it made him just want to shrug off of his blazer and cover it all over her body.

The way other boys were looking at her didn't make him feel good. Most of them were staring at her, and they were drunk.

As the party went on for two more hours, nearly everyone was drunk. Draco had only drank a cup of firewhiskey, too busy to look out for Y/n than to drink while Y/n had finished her second solo cup of mango juice.

The music was loud, smell of sweat and liquor filled the air and the teenagers danced like crazy against each other.
Y/n was standing by a corner with Emily and Daphne, slightly dancing.

Draco just watched, taking a small sip of his second cup of firewhiskey. Theo was already off to somewhere with Blaise, and Olan was snogging some girl in the corner across the room.

Pansy was also on the couch with some boy, in the middle of a heated make out session. Eventually, Emily was dragged away by Theo and Blaise was talking with Daphne.

" Mate, do it. It's going to be fun. " Someone said from beside him and Draco looked at the blonde who was staring at Y/n a few days ago.

He frowned, anger already bubbling inside of him. He followed the line of his wand and it was exactly pointed at Y/n's back. He straightened up and set the glass aside.

As he started making his way towards Y/n, the zip of her dress started to get undone. Before anyone could even get a glimpse, Draco was already standing behind her, his hands on her hips.

Y/n jumped at the sudden contact and looked over, " Malfoy. What-"

" Don't move. " He hissed, pulling her further into his body and reached for the zip. " I told you not to wear it. " He said through clenched jaw and Y/n shivered as his cold fingers ran along with her bare back.

She widened her eyes as she realised the zip was open. But she recalled wearing the dress correctly. " How did that happen? " She muttered, blinking.

Draco rolled his eyes and stepped back, making his way across the room. Y/n frowned as she watched him go. She felt butterflies in her stomach. Another shiver ran down her spine as she recalled his fingers grazing over her skin.

" Come on! " Theo reached for her arm and Y/n yelped, laughing as Theo spinned her around. She grabbed both of his arms and giggled.

The door of the common room was barged open but only Y/n noticed over the music. She spotted Draco as he made his way inside, slightly out of breath.

She turned back to now Olan who was making her dance and laughed. A cold hand grabbed her waist and she knew the all so familiar touch already.

For some reason, she didn't argue and leaned in his touch. His hands snaked around her stomach and Y/n shivered.
Draco reached for her ear, " Listen to me next time, won't you? " He whispered in a demanding tone.

Y/n sucked a sharp breath as his breath hit her neck, " Won't you? " He asked again and Y/n nodded. " Yeah. " She blinked. " Very well."

Y/n looked at his arms, bruised knuckles. Her hand instinctively reached to grab it.

" What the hell happened? " She asked, pulling out his wand.

Muttering a healing spell, she watched as the bruises slowly disappeared along with the pain. Draco sighed and whipped her around, landing her straight in his chest.

She looked up, frowning. " What's up? " Draco rolled his eyes and wrapped his jacket around her harshly, tugging her closer. Y/n yelped, " Ceiling. " Draco whispered and Y/n's heart skipped a beat at his husky voice.

" Well, sky too. " She gulped, blinking. Draco chuckled deeply, " Go back to your dorm and fucking change, Y/n." He whispered in her ear and Y/n gulped at the closeness, nodding.

" Good. " He breathed out. Y/n breathed heavily as she felt a pair of lips on her cheek. Was she dreaming? She hoped she wasn't drunk and imagining things.

Her eyes were still wide as Draco grabbed her wrist and led her all the way up the stairs to her dorm and dropped her inside, grabbed his wand before closing the door.

She jumped as the door slammed shut with a thud. As the music was muffled, Y/n could now hear her loud heartbeat. Was that the same Draco Malfoy who hates her? Or is she mistaken? Did he call her Y/n? Did he actually kiss her cheek?

She was so confused as she got out of dress as said and took a shower, her mind muffled. She quickly wore pj's and set Draco's jacket safely aside.

It smelt like him. Cologne and peppermint that still lingered in the room. As she layed on the bed, the skin of her cheek tickled. Maybe she was just sleepy and tired.

She stared at the ceiling until she fell alseep, reminding herself to thank him tomorrow.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

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