Chapter Five

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Izuku left Eijirou's place with a dejected feeling in his gut. He knew the trio would be back, so he decided to go see if Eijirou could lend him a hand. He was on a break, so it was the perfect time to go. But Eijirou told him Katsuki did not want to talk.

He needed to apologize to Katsuki. Sure, he was hurt that the blonde fled before Izuku even woke up, but he still felt the need to apologize for what happened, for allowing the omega to be abandoned at all.

They had so much they needed to talk through and work out. He still loved the omega with all of his heart, and last night reminded him of Katsuki's love for him.

Izuku sighed as he entered his agency. He went up to his office without saying anything to anyone. His sidekicks and other employees had grown used to his mood swings by then. One minute he was the usual happy, hopeful, and energetic Deku, then the next he was temperamental and closed off. Those moments of weakness were never seen by the public. They could not know their hero was depressed and losing hope in his relationship with an ex-hero.

He was happy for them. He was confident, brave, and always smiling.

He was faking it.

He sunk down into his chair with a tired sigh. He rested his head down on his desk. His forehead touched a paper, which immediately had him picking up his head again.

His desk never had papers on it when he was out unless he had mail. Izuku was very determined to keep everything extremely organized.

He looked down at the piece of mail from the H.P.S.C, who ran everything and anything relating to heroes.

To: Deku
From: Hero Public Safety Commission
About: Hero Billboard Charts

He quickly opened it, pulling out the letter eagerly.

Dear Pro Hero: Deku,

We are glad to proclaim award you the No. 1 spot in Japan at the Hero Billboards on March 19th! Congratulations! Do not forget, the ceremonial Hero Gala will be held at 19:00. Good work, young hero! The public thanks you for all you do.

The H.P.S.C.

Izuku could not believe his eyes. His dreams were finally coming true. He felt tears glaze over his emerald irises as he stared down at the paper, which he tightly clutched in his hand.

He was the No. 1 hero.

He had been working towards this goal since he was a small child.

This was the very thing he always wanted.

But there is something you've always wanted more. A little voice in his head reminded him.

Izuku tried to push the thought away, trying to be happy for the first time in months.

But he could not just push it away.

He began to wonder how he got where he was today, his mind traveling down a darker path than the one lying in his hand. The last five months of his life had been faked. He faked his smiles, he faked his bravery. He faked it all when in the eye of the public.

At home, he was a depressed man.

He had breakdowns about little things.

He found one of Katsuki's shirts in the laundry? Breakdown.

He saw one of the pictures he took of Katsuki sleeping? Immediate breakdown.

He saw a picture of Eijirou and Katsuki on social media from when Katsuki agreed to be Eijirou's best man? Hardcore breakdown.

How the hell did he become Japan's top hero? There was absolutely no way. Especially not after losing Katsuki, who was the only person capable of bringing Izuku any kind of happiness.

Would Kacchan be proud of me? Izuku found himself wondering.

He sunk into his chair. The letter fell from his hands, much like Katsuki managed to slip through his fingers, falling away before he ever received the chance to try to keep him in his palms. Gone, and Izuku could do nothing about it.

Would Kacchan congratulate me?

He frowned.

No. Why would Kacchan want anything to do with me? He probably blames me for everything.

To Izuku, it was his own fault The Incident happened. He was the one to blame for Katsuki's resignation. He was the one at fault for Katsuki's disappearance off the face of the earth. He was the one responsible for Katsuki's pain and suffering.

Those were the same thoughts plaguing his mind every day.

"Fuck..." Izuku breathed out. He felt his phone start to ring. He picked it up, answering without looking at the contact. "Hello?" His voice sounded weak to his own ears, and he cringed.

"Hello, Midoriya." Shouto's voice said, tone elated ever-so slightly. "I've been awarded the No. 3 spot."

"Three?" Izuku inquired. He picked his head up quickly, and his emerald brows furrowed together. "I thought for sure you'd get first or second."

"Me too. What did you get?"

"Me? Oh, uh... I got first." Izuku admitted sadly.

"And you're beating yourself up about it?" Shouto guessed easily.

Izuku did not reply.

"Midoriya, listen to me. You need to talk to him."

"How? The only person capable of contacting him is Kirishima, and he'd never just give me Kacchan's number or address."

"I don't know. Bakugou has always been a tricky person. Why don't we go out tonight? We can celebrate our new rankings with some friends." Shouto suggested.

Shouto had been there for Izuku since the breakup. He was the one who pushed the idea of anti-depressants, which really helped Shouto in the past. He was the one who pushed for Izuku to accept Hitoshi's offer to be his best man. He was the one who pulled Izuku out of his slump when the freckled alpha thought no one else could.

Shouto wanted Izuku to be happy, but he was not sure if it was possible without Katsuki in the picture, which was why he joined the group trying to get them back together.

"That sounds nice." Izuku agreed to the proposal. He could definitely use a few drinks. "Yeah. Let's celebrate."


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