Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Hey! Just to have some clarification;

This is when they're thinking. The thoughts will usually be followed by this. He thought to himself, and will only be used when its in that specific person's POV (usually Katsuki's)

'This' is when they're actively speaking through their minds, or the person's POV is hearing their mate's thoughts.

If at any point, it doesn't make sense, just say so in the comments, and I'll try to clear it up! 


As with all honeymoons, Izuku and Katsuki spent a lot of time together. They were practically inseparable with their new marks binding them together. Even through Katsuki's morning sickness, Izuku was right there. Though Izuku, despite having been buried deep inside Katsuki just moments before, felt sick as well. In truth, he'd felt Katsuki's oncoming nausea before Katsuki did.

They spent most of their time in bed. Izuku fucked into his omega as much as his rut-idled brain felt necessary. But Katsuki was getting tired of the constant sex. He wasn't in heat, nor would be be for another five or so months. He didn't strive for sex as much as Izuku was.

"Izuku, please." Katsuki whined as Izuku started to kiss his shoulders. Izuku pulled him closer, but Katsuki pushed back. "My body hurts." When Izuku didn't listen -- not that Katsuki thought he would -- the omega growled. He forced Izuku down onto the bed, climbing on top of him before the alpha could move.

"Omega..." Izuku whimpered. He bucked up into Katsuki.

"Deku, I need an hour or two. Please?" Katsuki pleaded with him. He leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on Izuku's lips. He rested their foreheads together after they pulled back. "Let me rest, okay?"

'Omega hurts...' Izuku's thoughts sounded in Katsuki's head. "Let me up, Omega." Izuku said. Katsuki got off of him. Izuku hurriedly got off the bed then went into the bathroom. Katsuki smiled softly when he heard the bath start to run. Izuku returned, easily scooping Katsuki into his arms.

"Thank you." Katsuki whispered as he was carried into the bathroom. Izuku got in first, placing Katsuki on his lap. Katsuki sighed heavily as the warm water started to rise up. He leaned his head back on Izuku's shoulder. The alpha tenderly rubbed Katsuki's stomach while crooning softly.

Eventually, Katsuki fell asleep in his alpha's arms. The warm water coupled with Izuku's soothing croon and his exhaustion knocked him out. Upon realizing this, Izuku got out of the tub. He wrapped a towel around himself then pulled Katsuki out into his arms. He grabbed a second towel for his omega. He continued to croon softly as he laid out the towel on the bed. He lied Katsuki down on top of it.

Izuku took a moment to admire his omega's body. His eyes lingered on Katsuki's stomach then he was grinning. He was excited about their pup, and he couldn't wait for their arrival. He quickly snapped out of his moment of joy when Katsuki shivered. He hurried to the closet, grabbing some clothes. His buzz had been killed when Katsuki admitted to being in pain, and he was pretty sure that it wouldn't return until his omega was ready. He didn't care though. He dressed his omega in a pair of boxers and one of his overly large shirts after he'd dried him off. He then put on a pair of boxers for himself. He lifted Katsuki up again, pulled back the covers, and then lied his omega down. He covered him up in the blankets and brushed away some of the wood shavings.

"Mine." He whispered then kissed Katsuki's head. He smiled as he walked downstairs.


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