Chapter Thirty-Two

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Katsuki woke up to gentle kisses being pressed to his face. His face scrunched and a soft groan escaped him.

"Wake up, Kacchan." Izuku's voice purred into his ear.

Katsuki whined softly in return, which made Izuku laugh. The blonde groaned in protest.

"Come on, Kacchan. Let me spoil you for your birthday." Izuku told him with a smile.

Katsuki let out another whine, trying to push Izuku away. He wasn't ready to be awake yet. The fatigue from creating another human was taking a great toll on his body as of late, and he just wanted sleep.

"I got you breakfast."

Katsuki's eyes shot open. He gave Izuku one of the harshest glares he could muster, staring straight into his husband's soul. Izuku laughed softly.

"Don't worry. I didn't cook it." Izuku assured him.

"Who did?" Katsuki asked. His voice cracked slightly from having just woken up.

"I called my mother, and she cooked it for me." Izuku admitted with a small smile. Katsuki rolled his eyes, but a small smile graced his face nonetheless.

"Fine." Katsuki agreed as he sat up. He ate while Izuku went to do the dishes. Katsuki stared down at his meal with pinched brows as he pondered on what Izuku could possibly have in store for him.

For Izuku's birthday last year, Katsuki let his alpha use him as his own personal sex toy, which they both enjoyed. Being pregnant was obviously going to inhibit their abilities quite a bit, but he was sure that Izuku had everything planned out already. After all, the nerd was always planning and thinking ahead.

Katsuki pushed his curiosities away in favor of finishing his food. He took his time with eating to make sure he wouldn't be puking all over Izuku.

Izuku returned a bit later, taking a seat next to Katsuki on the bed. "What do you want to do today, Kacchan?" Izuku asked him.

Katsuki pursed his lips together as he considered his options and his current mood. "Sleep?" Katsuki breathed out. Izuku gave him a warm smile with a soft nod.

"Go to sleep then." He took Katsuki's dishes then gave his omega a soft kiss. Katsuki hummed softly then pulled back.

"I'm not ruining your plans, am I?"

"No. The only thing that matters to me is the health and safety of you and our pup. If my omega wants sleep, then he's getting sleep." Izuku stated with a smile. Katsuki blushed a light pink in return.


Katsuki woke up two hours later. When he finally opened his eyes, he realized that he was surrounded by rose petals in the shape a heart. A dark, rosy blush covered his face at the sight before him. He carefully eased his way out of bed to look at it again. Feeling giddy, he took a picture of it.

He grinned as he made his way downstairs. Izuku was on the phone, but Katsuki didn't give a shit. He hurried over, wrapping his arms around Izuku's neck. "Thank you." He whispered into his husband's ear.

Instead of replying, Izuku placed a kiss on his head. "No." The alpha hissed into the phone. His demeanor shifted drastically as he pulled away from the hug. "Not happening."

Katsuki took a step back. His brows pinched together as he observed his alpha. It was hard to get Izuku that riled up that quickly. There were few things that could rile him up fast. Those included talking shit about his friends and family, threatening people, or sending him the wrong order. That last one happened in high school. He ordered an All Might plushie, but they sent him one of Endeavor instead, and he was pissed. Though Shouto got the honor of burning the Endeavor pushing.

"I told you, I'm not subjecting him to that!" Izuku shouted into the phone.

Katsuki's confusion melted away into annoyance. The topic of their conversation was him and the press.

"I don't care if it will look good on either of us. We've gone over this multiple times in the last week."

Katsuki held out his hand. Izuku glanced down at it then gave the omega what he demanded. Katsuki put the phone on speaker.

"-and I just think that we could really benefit from this! He used to be an angry, easily triggered hero, who couldn't be tamed! But now you have! Not only have you locked him down with a wedding band, but you've bred him too!" Izuku's P.R. woman squealed excitedly.

A low rumble started in Katsuki's chest.

"Now I know you're not a fan of this, but we really need that interview. Not only will it make for a wonderful story, but the fans will go nuts! You're currently Japan's No. 1 Hero Couple -- actually, you're the top couple in general -- and we're going to have to do an interview for that as well."

Katsuki's lips parted, showing his teeth as he continued to growl.

"Oh! And maternity photo shoots! People would so totally buy those! I'm just picturing Zero in a cute maternity outfit, and you behind him, huge smiles on both your faces, and-"

"None of that goddamn shit is going to fucking happen, you hear me!?" Katsuki snapped. "There is a damn good reason that we don't want to talk with the fucking press, alright!? So unless you want me to decapitate our interviewer on live television, I'd drop the fucking subject!"

"I- I'm so sorry, Ground Zero, sir. It- It won't hap-happen again. I-I-I promise." She stammered.

Katsuki took a deep breath. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he considered the possibilities. "We'll discuss this whenever I bring it up. I am the only person allowed to mention it to Deku's team, and I am the only person allowed to mention anything to the press. Got it?"

"Y-Yes, s-s-s-sir."

"Good." Katsuki snarled before hanging up. He handed the phone back to Izuku then sat down on the couch. Izuku sat down next to him.

"Thanks, Kacchan." Izuku whispered softly. Katsuki leaned into his alpha's chest then took a deep breath of his scent. Izuku gently pet a hand through his soft, ash blonde locks.

"I fucking hate the press." Katsuki grumbled with a pout.

"Me too."

Katsuki pushed Izuku back into the couch then crawled into his lap. He nuzzled his nose into Izuku's neck. He wrapped his arms around Izuku's torso and his legs sat on either side of Izuku's waist. Katsuki was practically a koala on Izuku. The alpha just hugged Katsuki in return.

"You did so good, Kacchan." Izuku praised him. "And it was hot too."

Katsuki blushed in response to his alpha's words. He jumped when he felt a light spank on his ass.

"But you really shouldn't threaten people like that." Izuku scolded.

Katsuki could hear the teasing tone in his voice. And by the familiar feel of Izuku's cock hardening beneath him, he knew where this would be going.

"Maybe I should give you some birthday spankings, huh? How old are you, Baby?" Izuku inquired. His voice was low and sultry. His breath fanned Katsuki's neck as he spoke, making the blonde want to melt.

"T-Twenty-t-two." Katsuki stammered out. He received another spank on the ass, making him groan. "L-Light, Deku." He forced out. He received another spank, but this one was slightly harsher. A whimper made its way past his lips. He gripped Izuku's shoulders in seek of relief.

"I know how hard my omega needs spanking." Izuku said with a smirk. "How many times has Alpha spanked you?"

"Th-Three." Katsuki muttered.

"Why don't you go upstairs and undress for Alpha? I wanna see you bent over that bed for me." Izuku growled softly. Katsuki nodded softly then hurried away.


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