Chapter Eighteen

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Katsuki stared up at his boyfriend with a dumbfounded expression. His mouth hung open and all train of thought had gone from his head. Izuku held out his hand, beckoning the blonde to come onto the stage.

Ryuu nudged Katsuki's knee, drawing the blonde's attention to him. Katsuki looked down to find Ryuu holding up his leash. Katsuki slowly grabbed it from his mouth then rose to his feet. Ryuu nudged him again. Katsuki took the hint, taking a step forward.

The entire auditorium was silent as Katsuki made his way onto the stage. No sound save for the click of Ryuu's nails on the tile, the sound of Katsuki's boots when he walked, and the clinking of his belt. He made his way to the space between Shouto and Izuku.

"Congratulations, Bakugou. Ribbit." Tsuyu said as he passed by.

"You deserve this." Momo added.

"No matter what your mind says otherwise." Mina stated with a grin.

"You're amazing, dude." Denki threw in.

"Nothing can stop you when you put your mind to it." Ochako whispered with a small smile.

"You make anything possible, man." Eijirou told him with a small pat on his shoulder.

"Strength doesn't make a hero." Tenya quoted the song they all performed for their first School Festival.

Shouto put out his hand, stopping Katsuki from making it to his spot. "It's rude to fight someone without your full strength. So don't be afraid to let loose." Shouto whispered into his ear. Katsuki's eyes widened slightly. "That's what you taught me." Shouto lowered his arm then Katsuki finally made it to his spot. Ryuu sat down proudly at his left side.

Izuku turned to him, beaming brightly. He reached forward, wiping a tear from his boyfriend's face. "It's okay to be afraid. We're all human." Izuku finished off the support train. Izuku then held out the microphone to him. "I believe it's your turn to make a speech, Ground Zero."

Katsuki nodded softly. He took the microphone into his hand. He opened his mouth, but had to stop. "Fuck you motherfuckers for making me fucking cry." He hissed as he furiously wiped his tears away. Goddamn pregnancy hormones. He took a deep breath before trying again. "I don't think I'm ready to go back to being a hero. The idea of throwing myself into danger isn't one I'm ready for just yet."

"That's okay!" Someone from the crowd yelled. Katsuki looked towards who it was, recognizing that voice. It was Naomi Miriko, the U.A. student he saved. Her boyfriend stood right next to her, all smiles as he held her close. "You're an amazing hero and nobody can tell you otherwise! You've inspired so many young omegas to follow their dreams despite the cruelty brought to them!"

The crowd erupted into tears. Katsuki felt his bottom lip tremble slightly. He thrusted the microphone into Shouto's hands then buried his face into Izuku's chest. The alpha chuckled softly as he hugged his omega close.

"You should feel honored." Shouto spoke up. "Not many can make him cry."

A chuckle ran through the crowd.

"Who's willing to wait for one of your favorite heroes to return?" Shouto asked them.

The crowd roared, making Katsuki's heart race. He peeked out from Izuku's chest. There were so many smiling faces cheering his name. He found himself smiling too.

"If you'd all please take a bow!" The announcer called with a grin. The ten heroes bowed together. Even Ryuu lowered his head for them. "Ladies and gentlemen! I present to you, our top ten heroes of Japan!"

The crowd roared once more.

Izuku gave Katsuki a passionate kiss, making the crowd yell louder. "You fuckers had this planned, didn't you?" Katsuki spoke up in a soft whisper.

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