Chapter Thirty-One

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Katsuki felt the panic welling in his chest. His breathing quickened, and he was slowly losing control over it.

'Kacchan?' He heard Izuku's voice, but it barely registered in his mind.

He sat down on the couch as millions of thoughts started to run through his head at once. His eyes couldn't focus on one thing, and his throat felt like it was sealed shut.

'Kacchan, you need to breathe.'

Katsuki shook his head. This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening! It was supposed to stay a secret!

'Kacchan? Can you hear me?'

A whine escaped his lips as he pulled on his hair. Everything around him was blurry and his head was spinning around and around.

'Kacchan, I'm almost there.'

There was a thud, which made Katsuki jump, then hands grabbed his wrists. Katsuki screamed and tried to wretch his hands from his attacker's.

"Kacchan, it's me!" Izuku exclaimed. He pumped out as many soothing pheromones as he could. Upon properly hearing his mate's voice, Katsuki wrapped his arms around Izuku's waist. The alpha gently pet through Katsuki's hair. "Breathe, Kacchan." Izuku instructed.

It took a few moments, but Katsuki finally managed to calm down. He pulled Izuku down to sit then crawled into his lap.

"Kacchan, what happened?"

'They know.' Katsuki couldn't trust his voice not to stumble and break. He buried his face into Izuku's neck, inhaling his mate's pheromones as deeply as he could.

"Who knows what?"

'Press. About her.'

Izuku's grip on Katsuki tightened a little. The blonde picked up his head. Instead of his previously panicked orbs, the scarlet color was swarmed by anger.

"They announced it on fucking national television." Katsuki seethed. "Fucking everybody in Japan knows now. What are we supposed to do when some revenge-seeking villain comes after her? Our daughter, Deku." He growled his words out. His eyes flickered to orange for a moment.

"I know, Kacchan." Izuku breathed out. "I'm scared too. But they'd find out eventually. We can get through this. Together."

"How can you be so sure?" Katsuki asked. His tone was softer that time, and his anger was quickly dissipating.

"Because I know that you will do anything in your power to protect her. And this time, absolutely no one will question why you went feral on your attacker." Izuku stated.

Katsuki felt his heart swell with a sudden confidence. He'd basically just gotten permission to maim anyone who dared to harm their daughter. Katsuki brought Izuku into a passionate kiss. The alpha was surprised, but he returned the kiss with ease. His tongue slipped past Katsuki's lips as hands locked into ash blonde hair. Katsuki held his alpha's arms.

"Fuck, I could never get enough of your lips." Izuku growled softly once they parted. Katsuki was breathing a bit heavier, but Izuku didn't care. He turned then pushed Katsuki into lying down on the couch. The omega's legs were still wrapped around Izuku's waist, but neither of them have a shit. Izuku used the position to grind down on his omega's hole. Katsuki let out a whine.

Katsuki welcomed the onslaught of kisses on his neck, craning his neck back to give his alpha better access. Izuku's teeth nipped at the mark on his neck, making Katsuki purr softly. Izuku rutted his hips against Katsuki once again, but the sound of Izuku's phone ringing interrupted them.

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