Chapter Thirty-Six

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Katsuki responded easily, leaning closer to his alpha desperately. Izuku's hand gripped Katsuki's hair tightly while his other pulled the omega closer. Katsuki wrapped his arms around Izuku's neck. Their kiss was heated, passionate, and desperate. Izuku's hand moved from Katsuki's back to his stomach, growling into their kiss.

"Mine." He snarled ferociously as he tried pulling Katsuki closer. Their bodies meshed together, making their kiss awkwardly positioned. He brought Katsuki's hips to his, grinding into him.

Katsuki pulled back, shaking his head softly. Izuku's crimson red met Katsuki's sunset orange. "Party." Katsuki panted out.

"Mine." Izuku repeated. He forced Katsuki's shirt up, rubbing his hands over the omega's swollen stomach. Katsuki purred softly in response, earning a croon from his alpha. Izuku pressed their foreheads together. His eyes slowly faded back to emerald green as he stared down at his omega's stomach.

Katsuki's eyes hadn't changed back yet, and he wasn't sure they would for awhile. There had been a threat towards his pup, and he didn't punish the guilty. When Izuku looked up at him, Katsuki looked down.

"Don't be ashamed." Izuku whispered. He gently guided Katsuki's chin until their eyes were locked once more. "I'm so proud of you, Katsuki."

Katsuki could feel the pride coming from Izuku through their bond, and that made him smile.

"You still went feral -- actually, you still are -- but you held back. And that shows just how much progress you've made." Izuku said. He placed another swift kiss on Katsuki's lips. "You're amazing, Katsuki."

Katsuki blushed at the use of his first name and the compliment. He nuzzled into Izuku's neck, closing his orange eyes for a moment as they stood there. They remained like that for a few moments before a knock disturbed them.

"Is everything alright?" Ochako called. Izuku pulled back then opened the door.

"Yeah. Is he gone?" Izuku asked. He accidentally released a small growl, which made Ochako giggle.

"Yep. But the others are still here." She stated. Katsuki grabbed the back of Izuku's shirt tightly, drawing Ochako's attention to him.

"Bakugou, your eyes are still orange." She pointed out with a small frown.

"They will be." Izuku spoke up. He looked down at his omega with a tender smile. "Monoma threatened our pup, so his instincts are still on edge."

"I'm okay." Katsuki spoke up. He met Ochako's eyes. "I'm... sane, if that's what everyone is worried about." He held out his hands, showing the absence of his claws.

"Hey." Ochako hissed. "Nobody is worried about anything. And if they are, leave it to me. I'll handle them." She stated with a huff. She crossed her arms over her chest with a pout.

"Thanks, Round Face." Katsuki whispered softly. She gave him a warm smile then the three of them went to join the party.

Katsuki ignored those around him in favor of walking over to Eijirou, Denki, and Hitoshi. Denki was fussing over a small wound on Eijirou's face. Katsuki approached with Izuku right behind him. Denki turned to see who had joined them.

"Holy shit, man!" Denki exclaimed. He fell back onto Eijirou's lap with a hand over his head. "You can't just sneak up on people like that! And fuck! The orange eyes just make it creepier!"

Hitoshi snickered softly, making Denki glare at him.

"Not my fault that you're fucking jumpy." Katsuki grumbled. He nodded towards Eijirou. "You good?"

"Yeah." Eijirou replied with a grin. "It doesn't even hurt." Denki huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Bakugou, what about you?" Mina inquired from where she stood close to Ochako. "I seen what he tried to do, and I almost lost it."

"I'm fine." Katsuki breathed out with a soft sigh. "Therapy is... it's helping. And I've been working with my quirk again, so that's been relieving some of the stress."

"But you're not overworking, right?" Shouto asked with furrowed brows.

"No. Deku's sidekicks won't let me do anything more than just a couple of hours a day. But it's helping." Katsuki answered. He looked down at his hands with a small smile. Izuku wrapped his arms around Katsuki from behind, resting his chin on Katsuki's shoulder.

"Do you mind if I ask why there is a time limit?" Tsuyu popped in curiously.

"It's for both his and our pup's safety as well as his mental health. We don't want him to exhaust himself, and risk putting him in a situation that could trigger the P.T.S.D." Izuku explained that one. He pressed a kiss to Katsuki's jaw, making the omega smile softly.

"How are your plans for returning to the hero world coming along?" Inasa asked.

"They're on hold." Katsuki replied. "We're waiting to start training until our pup is born. And we want to make sure I can train with others without freaking out because I burned them."

More questions were asked of the pair. Slowly, more people joined the discussion, and they all began to understand what Katsuki had gone through as well as the battles he was still facing.

Katsuki relaxed more and more as time passed. As he became more comfortable around the others, his eyes slowly turned back to their normal scarlet. Many of his old classmates apologized for siding with Neito.

"I have a question." Touya spoke up with a smile. Katsuki glanced over at his patchworked face with furrowed brows. "What's her name?"

Katsuki looked up at Izuku, who smiled softly. They had discussed a few names out of excitement, but they hadn't exactly made a final decision. "You'll have to wait and find out." Katsuki said to Touya.

"How far along are you?" Keigo inquired from his place behind his boyfriend.

"Five months tomorrow." Izuku answered. "She'll be born in early September. And I can't wait to meet her."

"I can't wait to meet both the new babies!" Toru squealed happily.

"Well, ours is a month behind them." Hitoshi stated. Denki looked back at him with furrowed brows. "I'm just saying they won't be born together." Hitoshi clarified.

"Either way. I'd like for them to be friends." Eijirou said with a soft smile. Denki, Hitoshi, and Izuku nodded in agreement. Katsuki just smirked.

"Oh no." A few people chorused.

"They better be rivals."


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