"Indeed it is."- the whole thing he said it made sense, except the part that noone can like me because everyone likes me, he's just jealous I'm the good-looking friend who has a different girl every night.

"I'll try and figure it out. In the mean time do nothing bad to her okay?"

"When have I ever? I've just have had a little fun."- I smirked and he shot me a death glare and I nodded to let him know I understood. Didn't mean that I'll keep my word tho because we didn't sign a contract together. My written approval was nowhere to be seen.Sorry Tarik.

I went out for a smoke trying to comprehend everything. The whole thing was odd like someone was pulling us together. Could it be my father? But yet if it was really him, the minute he knew my location he would have created a disaster. Probably burned down the whole city or the whole country and then dragged me all the way to the other world, very likely chaining me for another 200 years in the snake yards of our prison world or maybe scorpions.Who knew his genius evil mind would have created something special only for his son because this kind of torture was already so cliche. So that left me with no other explanation. Hopefully Tarik, like the smartass he was, could figure it out just in time before this thing could get worse.


After I finished smoking I, the fun creator, had nothing to do. I could go in the city and find some girls or do some killings but I wasn't in the mood. But I wasn't in the mood to do nothing either. What was I supposed to do take a nap, read a book? Ughh pathetic. Maybe I will turn myself in and ask for my father forgiveness so that he gives me my job back and I would never have to worry about how to pass my dearest time.
"Tarik..."- I shouted as soon as I walked back in in order for him to hear me.

"He's not here."- a slight voice answered and I saw Amber sitting on the kitchen's chair looking at me like a lost hurt child. Great.

"Where is he?"- I tried to sound all bossy and cocky so she didn't presume I was being nice to her.

"He went outside like an hour ago."- she still continued to look at me so hurt that it cracked through my facade attitude.

"He seems to be doing that a lot lately,- I said as I walked towards her sitting down on the chair facing her,- what are you doing here, shouldn't you be, like you know, resting?"- I pointed at her leg.

"I can't sit in my room alone all day.- she looked down like she was embarrassed of what she said,- if you want me to go I will."

"I could use some company too."- I couldn't believe I just said that. Tarik better find some answers soon because it wasn't going to get worse in a few days, it was a matter of hours.

"Oh so now you want my company because back at the club you seemed to like some plastic's bag company more?"

"Some plastic what?"- was she high?

"I mean that girl's company."- she bit her inside cheek looking away again avoiding my gaze.

"Jealousy does really look  good on you love."- I smirked at her kind of proud she was jealous.

"I was not jealous, I was just annoyed. And don't you say love to me like some english man. One time you decide to go all italian then english and you're fucking egyptian."

"I can go all french inside your mouth if you want me to."- my dick looked like it liked the idea because it woke up just at the thought and her eyes widened at my response and her cheeks covered on the light red color they always did when she felt embarrassed by my words. Good, I wanted her to feel that way.

"I...I..."- she opened her mouth to speak and then closed it not finding the right words and then opened it again and so on.

"Do you want me too?"- I got up of the chair and went close to her putting myself between her legs, looking down at her beautiful face because she was so short sitting on the chair and I caressed her cheek. And I have to say I fitted perfectly between her body and the view from up there was exquisite. She didn't move or say anything she  was lost,staring deep into my eyes like she was waiting for something to happen. Was she waiting for a kiss or for me to hurt her? Then a sudden noise interrupted our moment. It was her stomach leading me to believe she was hungry. I backed away and I could swear she was annoyed by that so I gave her a playful smile.

"Little kitten needs to be fed."- I said breaking the silence that was spreading all over the room.

"If I wanna live I need food, but since you want me dead you might as well starve me."- she snapped back like nothing happened 2 seconds ago giving me attitude and i decided to ignore her comment. Even tho starvation would have been a perfect torture for her, I didn't want her to get skinny and lose the perfect curves. So I was thinking more about my benefits than hers. If she was going to stay my eyes needed something that was worth looking at.

"I do not cook so pizza?"- I asked her as my stomach growled too and I was craving pizza, and some good pussy too but yeap not tonight. Tonight was a stay-in night.

"Sounds good."- she coldly said but I could notice her getting excited.

We went to the living room, which felt like a year because she was walking so slowly and I walked behind her just to make sure she didn't fall and hurt her leg. Then I would need to carry her or buy her a wheelchair so it was better to look after her than have her double-injured up my ass. She sat down on the sofa and covered herself with a blanket and I finished my phone pizza call.

"Which movie?"- she asked getting the remote control scrolling down to netflix.

"What movie are you talking about we're watching porn."- I laughed and she threw the remote control at me and smiled a little. Maybe she didn't hate me or my way of talking after all.

The bell rang and I wondered when did the pizza guys become so fast. I opened the door and to my surprise it wasn't the pizza it was another snack.

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