He looked good after not seeing him for so long. What I mean is that he doesn't look busted. 

My feelings for him left so long ago. But the pain he brought me was still around. Some times were harder than others because of this stuff. But I managed. 

I had Levi around the most. Hange and Erwin would come around sometimes if I wasn't feeling all that great. The distance just didn't allow them to come around often. 

Jean wasn't really in the picture anymore. He was busy with school. He has been back for a few months but I haven't really reached out to him. 

Occasionally he'd text me to see how things were going. I had actually met up with him once and it was refreshing. I didn't meet up with him alone though. Levi came with me.

Regardless, it was nice to have seen him that time. 

I arrived at the tutoring facility. Levi was already there. I knew cause he car was in the parking lot. 

"Y/N, you really came in. You look to be in pretty good spirits. Take easy today please?" Levi said with a soft tone towards me. 

"I will, I needed to get out of the house. I want to not be scared. If I'm honest, I'm shitting bricks right now. I know I am not ready to face him. I really don't want to see him again, but I won't ignore a child seeking academic help." I said to him. 

"I don't blame you." Levi said with a low chuckle. 

"Has anything happened since I was gone?" I asked him walking towards the back room to put my things down. 

"Not much, the girl with the essay wants our help to see if we can find a literary magazine to submit her work. She wanted to tell you, but I told her I wasn't sure when you were going to be coming back. So I told her that when I see you I would let you know." He said standing in the doorway of the backroom. 

"Really? That's amazing, I'm really glad she thought of it. And when did she tell you?"

"She told me Tuesday."  


The thought of being sad and the past few days completely left my mind.


"Hey hey relax, I wanted to tell you when you were in a school mindset... You seem to be feeling much better now." He said chuckling.  

It made sense. I couldn't blame him for not telling me about the girl. 

We walked towards the tables the kids work at. We weren't open yet. We open up at 3, but we're usually told to come in an hour early to wipe down the tables and organize some things. 

Some parents set up appointments with specific tutors so we have to go through that. Usually we just have the kids walk in and sign in but some of the parents request that their child work specifically one on one with a tutor for an allotted amount of time.

2 other tutors showed up a little late. They had gotten stopped by a nearby train. 

It was about time to open. Everyone was finishing up with setting things up. The receptionist arrived not too long ago and was all set up and organized. 

I was hyping myself up to have a good day. 

This was my happy place. 

I wasn't going to let anyone take that from me. 

Not even Eren. 

This was my space where I felt most comfortable. Complete I might even say. 

I am doing what I love to do, the pay is great, I am working with my best friend, and it isn't extremely far from my place. 

We had two students enter first. They were here on an appointment based small group tutoring session. 

20 minutes later we had another student come in as a walk in. 

Levi and I were standing around waiting for others to come in. 

Another 20 minutes passed by and Levi had a scheduled one on one appointment. 

No other students had entered, so I decided I was going to go bug the receptionist a bit. She usually has some candy anyway. A little candy never hurt anyone. 

We were laughing and joking around and we heard the front door open. 

"Welcome in, are you here as a walk... in..." I was giggling and I trailed off as I looked up. 

Happy thoughts.

Happy thoughts. 

Just Breath. 

Deep breaths. 

I felt myself start to shake a little, but not where it was overly noticeable. 

Except Levi noticed and walked up to me. 

He placed his hand on me and continued for me. 

"Are you here as a walk in or for an appointment?" He said. 

"Oh, uh walk in. I'm just dropping him off." Eren said looking a little down. 

"Y/N help him get signed in over there, please?" I just nodded and Eren lightly pushed the kid in my direction. 

After a minute or two I heard the door open again, probably he left already. 

"You're terrible at your job. You should be greeting and stepping in. Useless." Levi said to the receptionist rather harshly. 

I think that was a little uncalled for, but he got like that when it came to how I was feeling emotionally. 

She apologized to him and apologized to me soon after. 

As my shift continued I began to feel better. 

Again, this was my happy place. 

I felt comfortable. 

I was doing what I loved to do. 

Eventually Eren did come back to pick up his little cousin. Levi helped him sign out and Eren ended up having a small conversation about something with Levi. 

I stayed away and didn't want to be around him. 

There weren't many students in the facility anymore. The other two tutors decided to help them out to give me and Levi a breather. 

"Good new." Levi said to me as he approached me. 

I looked up at him and had a confused look. 

"Well, depends how you see it. He thinks we're dating. It's your choice how you want to play around with that. Anyway, he said and I quote, "I don't want to make your girlfriend uncomfortable. So I wrote down the times that I plan on bringing this little guy in, and when I plan on picking him up, and the days." So He said that to make things easier on you he'd rather you not be surprised when he comes in and completely shut down." Levi had said. 

It was pretty smart to do honestly. 

Maybe this can help me get accustomed to Eren coming in to drop off his cousin and picking him up. 

I just hope that works. 

Even if it is a little bit. 

I'll take anything to make seeing him just a little bit easier on not only me, but on Levi as well. 

He cares so much for me. 

He's constantly stepping up for me. 

He constantly puts my feelings first. 

I am so thankful to have him as a friend. 

All A Joke (Eren X Reader) {Modern AU}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora