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A/N this takes place in 2x22 but like when Jughead arrives at the Cooper house and they're babysitting anyways 5x04 isn't even riverdale its a whole new show. Also Jughead/Cole with a baby is everything I needed.

It was a Saturday morning and Betty was fast asleep in her bed after a long night of worrying about Jughead. P- *runs into her room* "Betty!" *shakes her* B- *groans * "What? What? What?" P- "I need you to babysit Juniper and Dagwood today mom and I are going out today. " B- "Why me?" *sits up and yawns* "Can't you actually get a babysitter to do it?" P- "I don't have the money to pay for a babysitter and besides do a mother a favor please?" B- *groans* "Fine" P- "Thank you thank you thank you" After a few hours Polly and her mom left and Betty was left with twins. (Ju= Juniper just incase you needed to know) Ju- *starts crying* B- "Shhh" *picks juniper up and starts cradling her* (what are the twins genders? But ima call them girls cause why not) D- *starts screaming* B- *groans* "Where the heck are your bottles?" *looks around* As the chaos started to go on her phone started ringing.  And if you guessed Jughead was calling, you were right. B- *lays Juniper and Dagwood down and makes their bottles and hands it to them* Ju&D- *drinks their bottles* B- *picks up her phone* "Three missed calls?!" *calls him back*

J- *answers * "You okay?" B- "Uhh yeah are you? You called like 3 times" J- "Oh yeah,  i just wanted to check in on you to make sure you doing okay" B- "Yeah but im not the one who almost just died so are you okay?" J- "Yes i am" Ju- *thows her bottle and starts crying* D- *does the same* B- *groans* "I can't deal with these two on my own" J- "Babysitting the incestive twins?" B- "They're not that incestive but yes I am and they won't go to sleep i tried everything Jug. " J- "You need help?" B- "Please?" J- "I'll be there in ten" B- "Thank you" J- "Bye I love you" B- "I love you too" J- *hangs up* B- *sighs and puts her phone down and walks over to the twins* Around ten minutes later there was a knock on the door. B- "Come in!" J- *walks in* "Wow it looks like a zoo in here" B- *stands up with Dagwood* "Hahaha very funny" *hands her to him* "Now take her" J- *takes her and holds her* D- *stops crying and nuzzles into him* B- *looks at him and raises and eyebrow* "How? What? Why?" J- "Magic" B- *sits down and holds Juniper and rocks her* "Shh" Ju- *calms down* B- "Thank you" *Sits her on her knee and bounces her knee* Ju- *giggles* J- *smiles* B- *stops and looks at her* J- *raises an eyebrow at her*

So many memories came back at that moment and she knew her boyfriend would listen and give an answer. B- *sighs* "Jug, do you think evil can be passed down? "*puts her in the basenote and sighs* J- *sighs* "Betty" *kneels down and puts dagwood in the other basenote* B-"My great grandfather had it, my grandfather had it and my father they were all murderers Jug" J- "That's just circumstance "B- "Is it? Or is it possible that this baby is gonna grow up to be a monster like my father, or me?" J- "Thats easy" *sits down* "No that baby isn't evil and neither are you" B- "What if its my destiny,  my birth right, something I'll never be able to control or understand?!" *wipes her tears* J- "Hey! Look at me." B- *looks at him* J- "I know you " B- *huffs and looks away then back at him* J- *moves closer to her and puts her hand on her shoulder* "You're a good person Betty, you might have some darkness" *moves his hand up * "Just like me" *says softly* "But you're not evil" B- *sucks a breath in and cries* J- *carreses her cheek* "Do you believe that?" B- *leans her head on his hand* J- "Do you believe me?" B- *sniffles and looks at him than nods* "Yeah" that yeah barely came out as a whisper but yes she did believe him.

Word count not including this:  729 words

Eww this sucks im just to lazy to finish it

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~Mianuet ❤

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