Something shifted behind Tim, and Alfred looks up to see. Another teen now stands behind Tim. Taller, older, and nervous, his eyes never leave the ground.

"Dick..." Alfred whispers unconsciously.

Dick lifts his head to make eye contact but immediately drops his gaze, "Oh, nope. Nope this was a mistake. I'm not ready."

The teen wraps the cloak around himself again and he disappears from view. The sound of running is heard as Dick makes his escape.

Not this time, Alfred thinks.

He doesn't need to see Dick to know where he is. The eldest son doesn't make it ten meters down the drive before Alfred catches up. Strong arms wrap around Dick's upper chest and he is pulled into a hug, "Fuck!" Alfred sinks to his knees, Dick placed on his lap.

Tim catches up a moment later, concern etched into his expression.

"Dick! Are you okay?"

"No, I am not okay!" Dick shouts, voice shaking. He is still invisible so Tim can't read his face. "Definitely, not okay..."

Alfred doesn't seem to hear any of it. Tears roll down his cheeks making Dick's shoulder wet, the butler doesn't care. "Master Dick," Alfred whimpers. He can feel the teen trembling underneath him, which only makes the tears roll more. "Thank you, God. Thank you for bringing them back..."

Dick opens his mouth to speak, but words don't seem to work. Alfred is crying.

Alfred hardly ever cries.

The moment of fear is gone and Dick is consumed with other emotions. Tears roll down his eyes as well and he can't seem to stop.

"I...I missed you," Dick shudders, his attempt to smile fails but no one can see him anyway.

God, how he had missed Alfred. He had missed him so much. Dick's heart aches painfully in his chest, a feeling he had gotten quite used to in the last two months. Talking about it was so much easier than this. He didn't realize how much more his heart could hurt.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry," Dick repeats.

Alfred holds him tighter, shaking his head into his shoulder, "Don't be. I'm just so glad you've returned. I'm so glad," He whispers the last part.

Tim joins them after a bit, leaning against Alfred's back while the other two hold each other in the middle of the driveway. They are there for about ten minutes, none have the urge to move for fear that the moment might end. Eventually, Tim has to shuffle them inside.

"I'm making a feast for you both," Alfred smiles for the first time in ages. "It's all your choice tonight, shall I make your favorites?"

"Please, yes," Tim grins. "I haven't eaten your cooking in months!"

Dick grimly smiles and looks around the kitchen, "Not much has changed..."

"Well," Alfred corrects, "We had to get a new coffee pot..."

"Okay, that was not my fault. It exploded on its own!"

"Mhm," the butler agrees skeptically.

Dick laughs. The unfamiliar feeling of happiness returns, making his stomach turn and his heart glow.

Later that night, Bruce enters the manor, exhausted and dead on the inside. "Alfred, I'm back."

"Master Bruce, welcome home."

Bruce squints his eyes towards his butler, "What's got you so excited?" It's been a while since that kind of energy touched the manor.

Forced BondsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora