Chapter 25

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"Yes you can my love" he answers and I hug him back.

"Boss, is It okay with you if we do it that way?" Scarr asks Uncle William and uncle nods his eyes. "Only if cupcake is comfortable with it" he responds. "I am" I say smiling at him. Scarr leans down and places a kiss on my cheek.

"Hey...can I take you somewhere?" Scarr asks me and I nod. We walk out of the office, my hand in his and we walk towards the front door. "Where are you taking me?" I ask, "Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you" he answers.

We walk to the garage to get inside his black Audi. Damn I love this car. Once he turns on the rev, we leave the house.

It's actually pitch black outside, you can see the moon full tonight. I check my phone and it's 9 pm, "okay .... now would you tell me where we're going? You know I hate surprises," I say and he looks at me through his peripheral vision. He rolls his eyes and then smiles.

20 minutes later, Scarr speaks. "We're here" was all he said before I look out the window and we're at the park that he took me few weeks ago. "Okay...why are we here again?" I ask. He gets out of the car, walks over to my side and opens the door for me. He extends his arm to help me get out.

"I want to talk with you." He says and my nerves start to party inside me. Panic raises up to me and my anxiety gets the best of my hands. "O-OKAY" was all I was able to say. He grabs my hand, interlocking our fingers and drags me over to our spot.

We sit down on the grass like last time. Me sitting between his legs and his arms wrapped around my waist, holding me in place.

"Please don't think that I'm selfish for not giving up the mafia to you. I's been my goal since I was 5 and I always spoke with your Uncle about it." He starts to explain to me and somehow his words soothe my nervousness. I sighed deeply letting comfort roam my body.

"Scarr, I know how much the mafia means to you, that's why I didn't want to take over. It's not my place even if it's my bloodline to do so" I say and he lays his head on the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent as he does. "The thing is...I want you to be the leader" he says and I get confused now more than ever.

"When you mentioned my name, I felt happy that you thought I deserved to be boss but then you said to be my second hand and something inside me twitched. I didn't like that idea, it bothered me." He sighs against my skin and tightens his grip on my waist.

"Your uncle said it before, maybe you weren't trained to be leader but it comes out naturally. It's in your blood.
Like every wolf pack, they need their Luna as much as they need their Alpha" I laugh at the reference he uses. It doesn't help that my name is actually Luna. Cheesy motherfucker.

"The alpha needs it's Luna. Without her he can't function, he can't rule, he can't be alpha. I need you.

In that moment I realized that the thought of you being below me or not being at the same level as me, hurt me. In many ways you have shown me how to be a better person. Not just a boss and a leader, but the better version of myself. I can't be me if I don't have you by my side. Luna .... I want you to be mine. It's not even about the whole mafia, the boss and leader thing, it's about the feelings that have grown inside me. They're calling out to you....I need you Luna."

I was dumbfounded, amused, happy, nervous, sad....I felt everything at that moment. I never thought Scarr could actually have feelings for me. Like come on, Scarr. Scarr Ashton Diaz, the most cold hearted and notorious mafia man has feeling for me.

I'm not going to lie, I share the same feelings. Over the past few months, Scarr has become everything to me. My best friend, partner in crime, safety blanket, somewhat of a lover....he's everything. I guess it's safe to say, I have falling in love with Scarr.

"Would you go on a date with me Preciosa?" He snaps me out of my trance. I realized I have been staring at him for 5 minutes, five minutes too long.

I smile at him as I realize what he just said, I turn around, still his arms lay on my waist and the next thing you know we're in the ground making out.

"Claro que si" (of course)

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