"Yeah, I'll see you later," Theo replied with a warm smile, then turned down the corridor, leaving Riley behind with a swirl of emotions and a lingering anticipation of their next encounter.

Once Riley entered the Room of Requirement she heard Harry speaking making her fill up with joy and love.

"Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember," Harry's voice resonated through the room, guiding everyone's focus.

"Allow it to fill you up. Keep trying, Seamus," Harry encouraged to a struggling Seamus Finnigan who whipped his wand wildly.

Amidst the training, Harry spotted Riley and greeted her with a friendly wave. 

Moving on, Harry approached George, who was surrounded by Hazel and Fred. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation as George prepared to cast his Patronus. "Expecto Patronum!" he exclaimed, and a silvery substance emerged from his wand, taking the form of a magnificent creature.

Fred's pride in his brother was evident as he playfully ruffled George's hair. Curiosity sparked within Hazel, who couldn't resist asking, "What did you even think about?"

George's eyes lit up, his smile shining brightly. 

"You," he replied before planting a tender kiss on Hazel's lips. The sweetness of the moment prompted a happy squeal from Hazel, filling the air with joy.

As Riley approached Noah and Ginny, who were deep in their own practice, Harry stepped forward, providing guidance on mastering the elusive full-bodied Patronus and the importance of shield forms.

Ginny unleashed her Patronus, a silvery stallion, while Noah conjured a majestic grizzly bear. 

"Wow that was amazing, Ginny," Noah marveled at the horse while Ginny's cheeks flamed.

"Your turn, Riley," Harry motioned to the blonde.

With her wand in hand, she delved into her memories, seeking the happiest moments that had shaped her life.

 Images flooded her mind: making flower crowns with her mother in the garden, sharing joyful moments with her father and their shared love for chocolate chip cookies, the cherished friendship with Amira, Hazel, and Noah at Hogwarts, and the warmth she felt when she was with Theo. 

But above all, the thought of hugging Harry, his messy dark hair and kind green eyes, brought a surge of emotion.

"Expecto Patronum," she closed her eyes as a silvery wisp out of the form of a wolf came out. It howled and darted across the room.

Riley's eyes sparkled with amusement as she watched the energetic wolf Patronus bounding about. She couldn't help but laugh, the joy bubbling up within her.

Harry beamed at her, causing her cheeks to flush. 

"Great job, Riley," he praised.

His attention then turned to Luna Lovegood, who seemed lost in her own world. Harry gently reminded her, "Just remember, your Patronus can only protect you as long as you stay focused. So focus, Luna."

"I know you're trying, Neville. And that's good." Harry clapped a hand on the struggling boy's shoulder.

Hermione's otter Patronus circled around her, bringing forth her laughter. 

Ron couldn't help but watch her with fondness, a small smile gracing his lips.

At that moment, Ron's dog Patronus accidentally knocked Neville to the ground.

"I'm okay. I'm okay," Neville reassured.

Softly, Luna whispered, "Expecto Patronum," mustering a rabbit-shaped Patronus that danced joyfully around the room. 

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