Chapter 1

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717 words.


"Amara Williams, a surgical intern in her mid 20s was found dead in her room today. A bullet went right through her head. People say it was a murder. No one knows what happened. Keep watching BCC news for further details." A woman was reporting more like shouting.

All the people were talking about the incident. There were Amara's friends, the FBI and the local people. It was a big mansion and filled with people.

Amara's mother had died 2 years ago in a car crash, after that incident her father went missing. She had a rough time after that, but she soon recovered.

"Oh my God!! What if there's a serial killer out there?" A panicked woman was talking to another lady. Everybody was scared.

People were walking around, making up their version of the case. Some said that she had killed herself because she was alone.

Some other people said that the killer couldn't see a happy person, so decided to kill her. There were some people making stories about a jealous ghost!

"She was a really...happy person. I knew...her for 4 years now, we...studied in the same school. Yes, she had some problems...after her mother...died...but she recovered..." a girl was telling the camera, she was sobbing.

People were peeping to see the body, though it was covered by now. Her room was covered in blood. An inspector was writing down the points and asking questions to the girl's friends.

Out of all the people, a man was standing in the corner looking at everything, and everybody..he didn't seem hurt but there was an anxious look on his face.

He was tall, maybe in his late forties. He looked pale. He looked like he hadn't eaten anything for days. He was mumbling something to himself.

People were talking and whispering things like;

"How could this happen?"

"I don't know"

"I don't think this was a suicide"

"Do u?"

"So, you think there is a serial killer?"

"No ways!"

"What could have really happened?"

"Was it really what they thought it was?"

"Was she joyful?"
These were the unanswered questions that ran through everybody's head. There was whisper everywhere.

Many T.V reporters trying to cover the story, were telling various things like,

"Can it be the FBI? Because as we see the FBI agents do not look that interested in the case." Or, "According to us, all the people here are the prime suspects as nobody heard the guns fire"

Thankfully one of the inspectors heard this. "Ma'am do you mind leaving?" he was firm. "Okay, I request all the reporters to please stop reporting and move! You have got the information you need, now you can leave. Once we find a lead, we'll give you the information."

He was tall, had a fair complexion, and had dirty blonde hair. He was firm with his words, he is the type of person you would never want to mess around with.

He is Inspector Joe Clair. The new FBI chief. He is a very serious and strict person. For him, he was an agent first.

"Ma'am, what do you say about Miss Amara?" Even after the chief's order, this one reporter kept going and going.

"She...she was a very beautiful and smart girl... She lived happily; lived her life to the fullest... She had a very helpful nature... She was an example...of a multi-talented human. The best thing...about her was that she never envied anyone..." The girl was crying her eyes out.

"Ma'am you are requested to leave, now." Said Joe, stressing the 'now'. And the reporter felt with another word.

What is it? A murder or suicide? If it was a suicide what made her do this? How could a very happy person suicide? Is there something she was hiding? Or something bothering her?

If it was a murder, how and why would anyone want to kill a happy and cheerful person like Amara? Were the people right? Is there a serial killer?

Where did her father go after her mother's accident? Where was he when she needed him the most?


Hello, this is my first Wattpad story.
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