Allen | 010

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            "There you are." Robbie looked up from his book, startled by the loudness of the person's voice in the otherwise quiet library, watching as Levi approached. He was thankful that he wasn't sitting so close to Allen at the moment, because how would he explain cuddling with an Alpha? It'd look suspicious, even if he knew there was nothing romantic between them. "Is this where you go hiding instead of being in the Omega's room? I've been looking everywhere for you." Then he seemed to take notice of Allen, curtseying respectfully. "Mr. Perez."

"Ms. Smith." He acknowledged.

"I haven't been avoiding the Omega room." He grumbled, sticking his bookmark into his novel, and shutting it. "Did you need something?"

"I'm calling for an Omega meeting. It's been a week since we've gathered, and I have news." He huffed, reaching to grab Robbie's hand to pull him up. His nose twitched and he spared a look towards the Alpha, who was watching them with mirth in his eyes. "And it seems you do to. Now come before Lilly thinks up of a reason to ditch us."

Robbie only managed to throw an apologetic glance at Allen before he was dragged out of the library.

"So, what's going on between you and that Alpha?" Levi demanded, once they were out in the corridors, whispering so that the guards wouldn't overhear as they passed, "And don't say nothing, you reek of him. That's against the rules, you know? I think there was a clause about not getting involved with others while courting the King."

"I'm not breaking any rules, Allen is just a friend." Robbie defends, linking his arm with Levi's as they head towards the Omega's Room, "You're only concerned because he's an Alpha, but if he were another Omega you wouldn't care."

"I guess that's true, but Alphas aren't "just friends" with Omegas. And they certainly wouldn't scent an Omega they were just friends with."

"I asked him to scent me. And anyway, there's no way he'd see me like that." He brushed the idea of Allen being attracted to him off, because there was no way he was into Robbie when the King existed. Not only that, but Robbie had also never really been attracted to Alphas, he'd always preferred other Omegas.

"Don't sell yourself short, you're really pretty. And your scent is so sweet, he'd be crazy not to think you're cute." Levi pinched Robbie's cheeks, cooing as they turned red from the compliments. Robbie swatted his hands away.

"Whatever. What happened that was so important that you had to call for an "Omega meeting"?"

Levi grinned, "I'll tell you and Lilly at the same time."

Lilly was still in the Omega's room when they arrived, and fortunately she was the only one. Robbie didn't know where the other two Omega Suitors were, but he was kind of glad that they were alone. She was flipping through a magazine, but turned her attention toward them when they walked in. "Took you long enough. I've been waiting forever." She huffed.

"Robbie is a hard Omega to find," Levi plopped down beside her, and Robbie took a seat opposite of them. "Now why we're here, I had sex with the King." He announced.

There was a very quiet moment where Lilly and Robbie were silent, but Lilly finally said, "I don't see why you think we want to know this stuff."

"Transparency!" Levi smacked her shoulder, "I already explained why I want to be clear about how my relationship is going with the King. So, any developments from either of you?"

"Uh, he smiled at me the other day?" Robbie scratched the back of his head. "I haven't seen him much; he's been busy I guess."

"I still never agreed to discuss what happens between us," Lilly grumbled, face red, "But...we kissed the other night.

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