Scott | 006

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            "I've just received news from your secretary, Your Majesty, that the crown princess of Lockmere is requesting a visit." James was sitting across from him, looking as bored as ever, despite being the one who called for the meeting. It was bright and early, before breakfast even, and judging by the subdued atmosphere from the rest of his council, they didn't see why this was so important either.

"...I see. When should we expect Princess Emeline, then?" He asked, ignoring the twinge of discomfort at her mention. The Princess of Lockmere was an Alpha, through and through, and someone who Scott had dealt with nearly his entire life. Othebia and Lockmere were neighbors and close allies, and the Princess was only a few years older than himself. They'd often got lumped together as children, and there had even been discussed of mating at one point. That didn't mean he liked her though. No, he wasn't fond of the Alpha at all.

"Next week, assuming that we accept."

"And why wouldn't we? We've never declined a visitation before." Dianne butt in, yawning immediately after. Apparently the rest of his Council didn't see an issue, and frankly, neither did he.

"It's much too early for your brains to be working, clearly. Let's think of why, beginning with the obvious. He's an Omega-"James gestured towards him, which was a little offensive, "Newly titled King of a highly peaceful nation who hasn't seen war in the past hundred years. Lockmere on the other hand, is one of the most militarized kingdoms in the world, currently at war, with an eligible Alpha princess who would gain nearly fifty percent more land and twenty-five percent of Earth's steel industry by taking an Omega as her mate. Would she receive backlash by forcing a mating on an Omega? Not when she's now controlling the weapons that she'd previously been having imported for her military."

Scott sat back, wishing there was a cup of coffee in his hands rather than a pen. James certainly made a good point, despite how much he hated when the man was right. "Refusing isn't an option, lest we offend Lockmere's royal family. The last thing we need is to be on their bad side."

"And what? Risk becoming Lockmere's bitch over niceties?" Marcus, currently the only other Alpha sitting on his Council along with James, scoffed.

Scott pursed his lips, looking over the man. He was one of the older ones on his Council, having served as a member at the tail end of his Grandfather's reign, as well as the duration of his father's. He was traditional in the patriarchal sense, and the more time Scott spent working with him, the less and less he liked him. "I believe I remember my father saying he kept you as a Councilor because you don't sugarcoat difficult matters, but I just find you to be crass, Marcus." He then turned his attention back to James, "Please tell my secretary to send the normal correspondence. Othebia has always been accommodating to its allies, and that will not change now." He stood up then, not glancing back as he left the room. "Meeting adjourned."

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It was late in the evening, but Scott couldn't quite settle down for the night. His sheets were too warm, bed too soft to the point he was feeling like he was being suffocated. No matter which way he turned, how much he ignored the uncomfortable feeling, he just couldn't get settled.

After his rather ominous meeting with his advisors, the rest of his day had been spent in PR meetings, trying to divert the unwanted attention surrounding the pictures of him. Not that he had to do much at this point. He'd released a teary statement as Allen Perez had suggested, and he didn't even have to sue the magazine company. There was enough backlash against the company that he didn't even have to worry about what other photos that they might have, Lustrous Illustrated reviews had dropped dramatically. Scott's rather generous donation to the biggest sexual assault victim organization today was enough to completely distract that he may or may not have had an affair with a mated Alpha or Beta.

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