Allen | 008

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            "Princess Emeline will be staying for the next few weeks." Scott announced, he was sitting at the head of the class, looking relaxed occupying the generic office chair that their tutor usually sat in.

Robbie was beside Allen, looking as bored as he usually did when they were having lessons, carefully doodling little flowers on the corner of his handout about the history of Othebia. For the past few weeks that he's known the Omega, he'd never once seen Robbie truly pay attention to any of the subjects they were being taught, not that it mattered so much. This wasn't any true education, there were no tests or finals to being paying attention for.

"Foreign affairs are incredibly important for any kingdom, and though Othebia is in good standing with Lockmere's royal family, there is always room for improvement. This is a good time to show off any social skills- I expect my mate to be able to handle themselves gracefully and appropriately..." Scott continued on, but Allen was distracted by Robbie sliding his notes over to him.

'I'm bored. Wanna go on a walk later?' Was scrawled across the top in purple, sparkly pen.

Allen huffed, like he was exasperated (except he wasn't because Robbie is actually really cute), but still reached across to reply. 'Aren't we a little too old to be passing notes in class?'

Robbie smiled, his eyes crinkling like he somehow knew that he wasn't actually annoyed. 'Maybe YOU are. Now answer the question.'

'We could go swimming? There's a pool on the first floor.' He wrote back.

Robbie drew a little smiley face as a response, which Allen assumed meant yes. When he looked up again, he found King Scott staring at them. He was still speaking, still talking about the importance of understanding subtle social cues, but his eyes were sharp, assessing the two of them. Robbie was blissfully unaware, now drawing what might have been a cat in the margins.

Allen half expected the King to say something when he dismissed everyone, perhaps ask them to stay back like a true teacher, but they filed out of the room without any interruptions.

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It became a routine to hang out together after lessons. It wasn't anything agreed upon, at least not out loud, but Robbie seemed to stick to him like a magnet, and Allen didn't dislike the company like he usually would have. The Omega didn't seem to have any ulterior motives, there were no coy smiles when he teased Allen, no blatant flirting like he was so used to coming from Omega. Robbie actually wanted to hang out with him, which was a little strange, but pleasant change from the norm.

They wound up in the library a lot. Robbie seemed to like it there, and there were lots of cushions and nooks for long stays. Sometimes they talked, well Robbie rambled about things he was interested in and Allen listened, but often they just read. Allen pretended he didn't notice the romance novels Robbie read, and in turn Robbie ignored the science fiction that Allen was obsessed with. The system worked well, and Robbie was relaxing to be around.

"Hey, Allen?" He asked, breaking the comfortable silence between them. Allen glanced up, taking in the way that Robbie's fingers tapped against the book that lay open in his lap, eyes resolutely trained on the pages despite that he'd just spoken to him.

"Yes?" He hummed, pretending to be engrossed in his novel because surely it wouldn't help the Omega's nervousness if he were staring at him.

"Remember when you comforted me the other week? I...I'm kind of interested in uhm, scenting..." Robbie trailed off, and Allen bit his tongue to keep from smiling. He really was cute, cheeks flushed and brows furrowed.

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