Scott | 027

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 ***TW: mention of SA***

           "Allen please," Scott tried to bite back his annoyance as the Alpha transferred more vegetables and meat from his own plate to Scott's. He'd been doing this, to both him and Robbie, during meals, and Scott had tolerated it, but now they were in front of his Council who already didn't respect him enough. They needed to be under the impression that Scott was an immovable, and that was hard to do when his Alpha was fussing over him.

Allen blinked, freezing as though just realizing what he was doing. "Are you not hungry?" He asked, concerned. He brought his hand up to touch Scott's forehead. "Are you not feeling well?"

He took the hand in his, instead of slapping it away like he wanted to. He offered a smile, "I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You're looking a little pale-" Scott huffed because he was always pale, regardless of health "-maybe we could lengthen the lunch break and you could take a short nap, you didn't get much sleep last night."

Scott missed the Allen who didn't care about his wellbeing.

"Do you think I'm a child, Allen?"

Said Alpha frowned in surprise, pulling his hand back, "What?"

"Do you think I'm incapable of taking care of myself?"

"No? Why would I-"

"Then stop treating me like I'm helpless. If you want to coddle someone, go find Robbie."

Allen didn't respond, so Scott went back to his lunch.

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It was as though everyone was trying to piss him off today.

Scott considered himself a logical person. He'd spent most of his life ignoring his inner emotions, only occasionally showing general annoyance when he was in public. Lashing out, entirely losing himself to anything he might be feeling, well he'd deemed an overly emotional Omega way in over his head with the whole monarch business. No, he couldn't afford to seem as anything other than unaffected, not with so many watchful eyes on him.

Colin was testing his patience.

Being a long time friend, and lover in secret, often granted the man speaking freely with Scott. It was the only explanation that Scott could come up with as he listened to the words coming out of his mouth.

"As captain of your guard, I can't in good conscience let you leave me with something as simple as guarding one of your intended's." Colin was looking straight as him, eyes that Scott loved so much blazing with some fickle defiance that he wanted to stamp down immediately. He liked his guards docile. Quick to heed orders because ultimately, that's what they were for. Loyalty and obedience.

Allen was standing beside him, looking between the two warily. Scott was glad that he had the sense to remain silent, for he might have actually lost it if he'd decided to needlessly join in.

"Of course, that's an easy fix then." Scott held back a scoff as Colin began to relax, "Samuel is now captain, effective immediately. Now you're free to guard Mr. Perez, yes? Without the burden of ensuring my safety." He turned then, there were documents that needed his attention and he didn't have time to argue over such matters, when someone grabbed his arm.

Which normally, wouldn't have been a big deal. It wasn't as though Colin had never touched him out of turn before, it wasn't as though their relationship hadn't warranted such close treatment in the past. But suddenly Scott was in the gardens again, back pushed against the rough bark of a tree and a body too close to his own, lips forcing his own open in an unwanted kiss. He spun around with a hiss, fangs flashing as he ripped his arm away from the guard. Colin seemed taken aback, and there was a growl already rumbling from Allen beside him.

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