Allen | 012

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            The King had been in Robbie's room for much longer than Allen would've liked. There were no alarming noises, nothing to indicate than anything was really going on, just some shuffling and quiet murmurs. He couldn't help but feel on edge, the King had a reputation for a reason. He took to pacing in front of the room, barely resisting from snarling as two guards side eyed him as they passed.

It wasn't like he was jealous or anything. Far from it. He was completely aware that Robbie and Scott had spent time alone before and it'd been fine. Robbie hadn't been drunk though, and they hadn't been in such a private space then either. He was just concerned for Robbie's safety, and that was perfectly natural for friends. He definitely wasn't thinking about how Robbie must look slipping out of a gown, slowly revealing inches of his bare skin, or how soft he must seem laying in his nest. What would his nest even look like? Probably pretty comfortable, but Allen wasn't thinking about that because that would definitely not be platonic of him.

He certainly wasn't jealous. Nope.

He was seriously considering about going in there, social norms be damned, when the door finally opened. The King stepped out, looking as neat as he had when he'd gone in, which helped ease his worries a little.

"Mr. Perez," He greeted, that smug expression on his face that kind of pissed him off, "I'd like to say that I'm surprised you're still around, but I'm not. I think it's time we had a talk, hm? Come along, we can go to my study."

He didn't have a choice but to follow after the Omega, not sure exactly how this conversation was going to go. They made it to his study quickly, a place that Allen hadn't visited before, for obvious reasons. He'd only been alone with the King a couple of times, and from what he'd gathered from the other Alphas, they hadn't spent much time with him either. King Scott seemed entirely disinterested in them, which somehow seemed fitting.

His study was nice. It was spacious and comfortable looking, with a hulking desk and a wall full of books. There was also a rather large window overlooking one of the main courtyards, with a couch that had too many decorative pillows sitting beneath it. King Scott sits in his chair at the desk, which had a fluffy blanket draped over the back rest- probably one of the few indications that the King really was an Omega. It was much too big for him. Allen imagined that he probably curls up in the chair while he's signing official documents, sitting on his feet in a very un-regal way with a ball point pen in hand, scraping across thick, expensive paper. Allen sat down in one of the chairs facing the desk and waited. The King didn't say anything at first, merely studying him. He didn't shy away, staring back at the Omega, a little unnerved about the King's ability to hold his gaze. He'd never met an Omega who could hold his gaze for more than a few seconds, and he wondered how long it'd taken him to perfect that.

"What's going on between you and Ms. Quarrels?" He finally broke the silence. Straight to the point, which Allen hadn't been hoping for.

"What exactly do you think is going on between us?" He decided to ask, if only to avoid the question. There wasn't anything going on because him and Robbie were just friends, but he wanted to know what conclusions the King had jumped to.

Scott seemed amused though, and Allen tries not to feel annoyed, "You look at him like a lovesick pup."

Allen shrugs, neither agreeing or disagreeing with the statement, and King Scott continues, "I should send you home."

Now that has him bristling, and he doesn't even know why. It's not like he had any interest in the King, not at all, really. He still had eyes, The King is a gorgeous Omega, but he's definitely not Allen's type. A few weeks ago, he might've been happy, relieved even that he gets to go home and continue on with his life, but now? Now the idea of leaving Robbie alone here was concerning. This life would eat him alive.

"I must ask you to reconsider, Your Majesty." He says, the words feeling heavy on his tongue. The last thing he wanted was to beg an Omega to stay here, but there really wasn't much else that he could do.

"Reconsider?" He muses, a smirk on his face, "Why should I do that?"

"Because..." He trails off, wracking his brain. What could he possibly offer that the other Alphas here couldn't? There wasn't anything really. Scott seems to know that though because he spoke before Allen could fully give up.

"I'm not going to send you home. Yet." He said, and Allen wasn't a fan of the mischief sparkling in his green eyes, "I'm not particularly concerned about your pining over an Omega I'm courting, especially since I'm a much more appealing candidate for mating."

The words were spoken easily, so confidently that Allen was almost surprised by the King's arrogance. Almost. Except of course he would be so full of himself, he's had people sucking up to him every day of his life. He laughs, but it's without humor, "Most people don't like cocky Omegas."

"Most Alphas don't like cocky Omegas," The King corrected, "Because it makes them feel threatened. Pursue Ms. Quarrels as you'd like, Alpha, just be mindful that I'm the one officially courting him. And you, for that matter. I do like a little challenge though."

"Great," Allen grits his teeth, disliking that King Scott was toying with him. Like he was a jester that Scott was only keeping around because he found him slightly amusing, "Is there anything else you'd like to discuss, My King?" He asked, keeping his voice carefully level.

"No, I suppose not. Have a nice night, Mr. Perez."

"You as well, Your Majesty," He bowed stiffly, trying not to scowl as he left the study.

As he walked down the corridor he allowed his lips to turn downward, too busy analyzing the King's words to pay attention to where he was going. He rounded the corner and ran right into someone. The other person uttered a noise of surprise, stumbling a bit, but they quickly caught their balance.

Allen blanched as he realized he was looking at the Princess of Lockmere. "My apologies, Princess," He murmured quickly, inclining his head respectfully to the other Alpha, "I wasn't looking where I was going."

"You're a Suitor?" The Princess asked, narrowing her eyes at him. She was pretty, with strong features and blonde hair that fell in ringlets down her back.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Have you seen King Scott, then?" And there was something about the way she says it, the way her scent spikes slightly, that Allen doesn't like. It was like she was challenging him, miffed at the idea that he might know the Omega's whereabouts while she doesn't.

"I'm afraid not. Last I saw the King, he was still in the ballroom." He bowed then, "If you'll excuse me, My Lady."

It was later that night, while Allen lay in bed unable sleep, that he thinks about what relationship the King might have with the Princess with Lockmere. They were similar in age, as far as Allen was aware, so they probably grew up together, especially because of their neighboring kingdoms. King Scott didn't seem interested in Alphas though, so he couldn't be sure.

The next morning, during breakfast, Allen notices the way that the Princess looks at Scott, the possessive way she curls her hand around his wrist, and how Scott averts his eyes. He decides then that he doesn't like her, no, not at all.

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