Robbie | 048

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            The only reason why Robbie wasn't absolutely losing his shit was because of the pills the physician had given him earlier that day. He was still anxious, sure, but his body was no longer actively panicking. No racing heartbeat, no queasy stomach, none of that. It had certainly helped during the mating ceremony itself, with the eyes of so many people on him.

They were back in their suite now, the nest he and Scott had made together beckoning him to its safety. His knees ached from the ritual though, and he was still covered in the Omegean robes and makeup, hair still full of pins. He turned to the bathroom instead, trailing after his lovers. No doubt their knees were in similar states, but they hid it well.

They all showered together. Stripped themselves of the robes, leaving nearly priceless pieces in a heap in the corner to be dealt with another time. Scott quietly helped him with the pins, being a hundred times gentler than he had earlier. Robbie wondered if the King was as nervous as he was.

The shower was quiet. They washed themselves of the makeup and sweat from the ceremony. Robbie relaxed slowly under the warm spray, mind and body aware of the time. It was just past three AM, and he'd be up for a while yet.

They toweled off and stumbled to their nest together.

"I'm nervous," Robbie said when they laid side-by-side, him in the middle. Whispered it like it was a secret, like he couldn't detect the nervous twinge in their scents as well.

Mating was for life, after all.

"Having reservations?" Scott asked, rolling over so that he was half on top of Robbie. He looked good in the low lighting of their nest, face bare and freckles visible, curls mussed and messy from the humidity of the shower. "It's a little late for that, don't you think?"

"I'm not." He shook his head, "I just don't want to mess this up somehow."

"You won't. There's no right or wrong way to do this." Allen piped in. He had washed the product from his hair, and now it fell over his forehead in damp strands. They were both looming over him now.

"Exactly." Scott agreed, "Let us make you feel good, darling. Just try and relax."

Then, he leaned down and kissed him.

It was soft and gentle, the kind of kisses they generally shared, and Robbie felt himself relaxing as Scott cupped his cheek with his palm. This was still Scott and Allen, the people he'd been with the past few months. That wouldn't change just because they were supposed to mate tonight.

"How do we want to do this?" Allen asked, hand caressing his side, "I know traditionally it's "fuck and bite" for a lack of a better term, but we could just bite and see how we feel afterward."

Scott smiled against his lips as he pulled away, "Our Alpha has such a way with words, don't you think?"

Robbie giggled as Allen huffed indignantly, "I'm just being practical. I know we napped earlier but I'm tired, and it's only a matter of time before we all crash."

"I suppose you have a point." Scott sighed, "Doesn't seem particularly romantic though, does it?"

"Can we wait? Maybe get some sleep and do it in the morning?" Robbie asked.

"It's bad luck, supposedly. If you don't mate before sunrise."

"Bite and pass out then?"

"Sounds like a plan to me," Allen agreed, pulling his t-shirt over his head. "Omegas first?"

They switched their positions then so that Allen was propped up against a pile of pillows and he and Scott were above him. They sat like that for a few moments, linking their hands together and just...being in each other's presence. Eventually, Scott asked, "Do you want us to bite at the same time?"

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