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Bright's P.O.V

I felt like I was in a soft mattress and as I inhaled I smelt a familiar scent. It was my Win's scent.

An I in his room?? I slowly opened my eyes and look around. The room was indeed Win's. I tried to get up but regret immediately as my head started to spin and hurt so much.

I held it in my hands and slowly it calmed down. I went out of the room and was on the stairs to go down and my head started to spin and I fell down but not on the stairs but in soft arms.

I looked up and saw Win's eyes which were full of concern. He held me up and said,"What are you trying to do?? For Pete's sake you have a hangover because yesterday you wasted yourself. You could have called me to bring you down!! He scolded but it made me happy because I saw the concerned Win who is concerned about me.

He took my hand and brought me to the kitchen and made me seat on of the stool near the kitchen counter. "Here. I made chicken soup for your hangover. Have it." He handed me a bowl of soup and sat in front of me.

I drank the soup and it was too delicious.  I saw he wasn't eating anything.

"Where is yours?" I asked. He shook his head. "I already had my breakfast. And moreover its half  past 11 now."

My eyes widened and I looked at the wall clock and it literally showed half past 11.

He cupped my face and stared at my eyes.
I was stunned. "I'm happy that you slept this long. You don't have those eye bags anymore." He smiled and got up and went to the cabinet.

I got up and hugged him from the back. His back was so warm. I rested my face in his back and inhaled his scent.

" Win....I'm sorry." The only thing that I can say to him right now 'cause I made him worried about me. Tears started to threaten in my eyes.

Win turned around and faced me. He cupped my face and smiled. He  leaned closer and kissed my forehead. A tear rolled down from my left eye.

He again smiled and this time he kissed my left eye and then the right eye. He kissed my cheeks and then the tip of my nose.

Tears rolled down my eyes and he gently wiped them. I leaned my face to his hand and felt its warmth.

He chuckled and I smiled seeing his beautiful smile. He leaned forward and his eyes were in my lips.

Win crashed his lips in mine and started kissing me slowly. He lips were so smooth and soft.

Win's P.O.V

Bright's lips were soft like cotton.

He kissed me back and I internally smiled.

Soon the kiss turned into a rough kiss and was full of lust and love and.....longing.

I slid my hands around his neck and his grip on my waist tightened. He pulled me closer causing our chest to crashed together.

He asked for my permission to enter in my  mouth by biting by lower lip. I gave it and slid his tongue inside my mouth. I sucked on it and he let out a beautiful moan.

We broke the kiss when we both were lacking for air.

Staring at each other with so much love. We again kissed swiftly and I held his hand took him to my room because we still had some things to clear up.

Ray Of Sunshine In My Life☀️💚Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum