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No one's P.O.V

Win was going to the University cafe when he saw that girl who was kissing Bright a few weeks ago.  It's been a long time and even Win tried to talk to Bright, Bright just ignored him saying he have practise or some other work.

The girl came to Win and smirked at him. Win creased his eye brows at what she did.
"Hey baby boy!! I got your boy!!" She said to him and smiled like a bitch.

Win didn't say anything and walked passed her. He got to know that Bright don't have a girlfriend but he had a crush on someone since a long time. And that bitch has been following him since his 1st year.

He wanted to know who was that person but Mike and Lee just motioned to zipper their mouths and didn't say it to him.

Win went inside the cafe and ordered his Americano that's when his eyes landed on one and only his love of life. Win tried so much to talk to him but that boy just excused himself everytime.

Win thought it's now or never and went to Bright. He sat down in front of his best friend and stared at him with furrowed eye brows like asking for an explanation.

Bright looked up and he was shocked to see Win. His eyes got wide and he got up to leave but he was stopped by a hand and was pulled to his seat again. He didn't look at Win again as he knew if he does he will break down just like the previous night.

Win noticed that Bright was unreal like his eyes are puffed like he cried for hours and had dark circles under his eyes too. He look pale and his hands are just cold as Win was holding him and its warm was gone.

"P'Bright. Look at me." Win said with his soft voice but the boy in front of him is just stubborn and didn't held up his head

Win put a finger in Bright's chin and lift his face. Bright's eyes were already teary and he was just trying to hold his tears but he failed and a tear drop fell from his eyes when he met Win eyes which was full of concern and worry.

Win got panicked and he pull his best friend in a tight hug. Bright sniffed and sobbed for some time and lift his face to properly face Win.

Bright saw that Win too had tears in his eyes and he felt a pang in his heart. He let go of Win and said,"Win I have to go." With that he left Win.

Win felt bad and hus heart ached at scene he saw just now. He never saw his best friend crying. The one who cries is him not Bright.

He was shocked and confused at the same time. He was shocked because he never saw Bright broke down before. He is always strong that is something Win is envious about. And he is confused because Bright ignored him again and he don't know for what reason.

Tears were threatening to fall from his eyes so he left the cafe without taking his order.

Win texted Luke that he is going home and turned off the phone. He need time to process the things that just happened.

Win was hurt but he wanted to know why Bright was ignoring him. He need to know. After all he have the right to know maybe not as his lover but as his best friend and brother since childhood.

Win reached home and when to his room.
He layed down and immediately fell asleep maybe he need a good nap for the things to process in his mind and heart.

Bright's P.O.V

I felt that Win had to see me on that state. I never thought I was so weak when it comes to Win.

Ray Of Sunshine In My Life☀️💚Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin