A little about me

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Hi, my name is Peony.

I'm 17, I have an older sister and live in a very small town, small enough to be considered a village. I've always had the same neighboorhood friends but have switched friend groups in school a bit.

I am a CIS female and am slightly starting to think I'm asexual but I'm not sure yet. I am christian and grew up in a loose and very lax christian family. I am the youngest sibling in my family and I have 4 cats.

 I've always been a chubby and quite soft looking girl. I have a lot of curves and chubby cheeks that never thinned out from when I was a child. I'm not curvy in the way that most people want to be but actually chubby. All of my friends are either average weight or objectively considered skinny. 

Now let's get into some stories and thoughts :)

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