As eyes turned to Max wanting answers, everyone shot him disapproving looks, forcing him to finish what Madison started.

"My dad used to be a businessman and he was close to Kai's parents for a while. After things went bad, he knew they were planning to knock him down and kick him out of business, which they succeeded in doing. So they covered it up and moved on, and by they, I mean the Grande's and Grey's."

"So how would dating Dakota, have anything to do with getting back at Ariana?" Dalton asked, which caused Lucy, Madison and Max to share a look.

Charlie shook his head, "Don't pin this on the Grey's. Yes, I lied about keeping a secret because there is one I know about. Now, I'm sure none of us knew your dad got into business, but I do know why Kai's parents were after Rocky. See, Rocky didn't want a girl, he didn't think Madison was ever gonna be able to fill up his shoes, and well— he almost got rid of her. My dad, Kai's dad and Ariana's mom found out, but Kai's dad was the only one able to take him down because Max's dad had leverage over mine and Ariana's mom. So Kai's dad did. Max isn't some new kid, he knew about us all along but I'm sure he was kept away so that Rocky wouldn't allow anyone to take down his son like they did him, even without a reason. I accused Kai of a lot shit, but now, maybe she was right. Maybe Max is the villain here."

Madison looked at her brother. "Did you know dad planned to kill me?"

Everyone looked intensely at the two siblings. We all did some fucked up things, but nothing was compared to that. Meanwhile, I stayed quiet as things played out, I was much more of a thinker, instead of arguing like everyone else did.

"Madison, I didn't think it was true."

"Bullshit. I swear Max, you've done the most fucked up thing of all in this room, I suggest you start talking, before I do," Madison yelled, with watery eyes.

"Can you blame me Madison? You grew up with Mom, while I dealt with Dad's drunk ass every night. You deserved this, not me. You broke apart our family! When dad found out I was dating a guy, do you know he went wild? I wasn't fucking born half deaf, that was the result of the night he found out. All because you slipped up over the phone," Max turned to the rest of us, as tears formed in his eyes. "Yeah, I did the most fucked up thing here. I'm so sorry for it, I-I just thought it would've stopped my dad, made him proud or something. But I regret it so much and I wish I could take it back, m-more than anything. I-I'm sorry."

"What did you do?" I asked.

"I-I'll connect the dots." Madison said, finally speaking up. "When I started dating Dalton's brother, Dakota, the only other people who knew about it was Dalton and Ariana of course. But one day, I caught Max at Dalton's house, speaking to his Dad and they didn't realize I was there. I overheard them talking about drugs, so I went to my Dad's to search Max's room because I thought Max was using again, but instead, I found something else out. So I made Lucy take the pictures to keep Max away from Ariana. Yeah, it's pretty obvious I like Kai but I didn't want Ariana to find out what Max did so that's why Lucy took the pictures."

"You're not making sense. What the fuck did you find out? What did it have to do with Ariana? What did you have over Lucy, that would've made her take those pictures? How did they get to the page?" I blurted out, reading everyone else's mind.

"Dalton's dad said he needed me to help Lucy sell drugs, and all I knew was Lucy's mom was sick, and they needed the money. I gave into helping her sell the drugs and started to help her sell to classmates of mine until Dalton's dad got more dealers and sales started to slow down. So without Lucy knowing, I started mixing the drugs she sold to people, making them stronger than what they were, so more people would buy them. Then a guy and a girl came to us one day, saying that they knew Lucy from school and that we could hook them up. We didn't have everything they needed, so I did my usual thing and added more to the weed they bought. The following week, we heard that the guy and girl that we sold to, died and they ruled their deaths accidental." Max explained.

"W-Wait, you mixed my shit?" Lucy yelled with tears flowing down her cheeks. "Max.. you don't have a damn thing over me, you just admitted to manslaughter."

"How was I supposed to know that, that dose could've killed them? We don't even know if that's what killed them."

"Wait a minute, you guys killed two people?!" Victoria said.

"That still doesn't make sense, what does this have to do with Ariana finding out anything? We're you scared of her knowing your brother killed someone?" Lauren asked, looking at Madison.

"N-No, it wasn't that he killed, it was who." Madison stuttered.

"Before I have to call my lawyer, do we know that the drugs was what killed them? Because if you do, don't say another word. We're not your damn accomplices." Dalton said.

"We shouldn't be saying they. Everyone sells drugs, not everyone mixes. This is on Max, not Lucy." Shawn said, with everyone else agreeing.

"We're getting off track, who did you sell those drugs to?" Ariana asked.

"Nah, better yet, who did you kill Max?" I added, as Ariana tightened her grip on my hand.

"I-It was, uh... um—"

"-dude, fucking say it." I yelled, almost getting up to pin him against the wall, but Dalton and Austin held me back.

"T-The names they gave me were Mac and Kehlani."

a/n: i really hope this chapter isn't confusing.
i reread this like 478384 times to make it as clear as possible.

but to sum it all up, lucy and max sold drugs together but max sold laced drugs to mac and kehlani, before finding out they died. you'll see why this is important later on in the book🥲

but crazy enough, it gets crazier.

did anyone have gut feelings about anything that happened?

also, leave 2 of your favorite celebrities down below (that aren't in this book) 😌

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