sneaking sucks

912 36 23

Sam's pov:

Even after rounds after rounds he is not letting me stop.

And colonel is not leaving either, it's another challenge to keep yourself calm around this guy.

Most humiliating part?
He is not leaving because if I am going to behave like a cadet I must be administered like one and if I can sneak  into his dorm why would I respect his orders.

God knows how much I respect this guy, it feels so bad to hear that.


26th round and these goudy clothes are making me even more sweaty and the cream charcoal DIY shit i did is even worse.

"Yes sir."

I speed up.

My calves don't really  hurt at this speed and I know I can speed up even more if the situation gets worse.

* I should get the first years to see what should be the speed of a cadet.
Very good sam.*

Kill me instead please.

I feel the void in my chest expanding.

The worse part is , that I  know I  did something to deserve this.

But I still want this to stop!

*alright , stop.*
There is no way he heard that.

Nevertheless I stop.

*take a shower in the  pool area get into your  minimals ,be back in 8.*

Usually it ends with sam or major.
He is acting so distant.

"Yes sir."
I salute and run to the shower.

I quickly strip down in the shower and slap my wet hands over my face and rub unceremoniously.

I run back to slaughter ground.
Wearing just the black shorts.

I am a major.please.

"Sir." I salute.

*I think you still need to know how severe your offence is.
And for that you'll need more than one point of view. *

This is going disastrous.

*Make 3 cadets from each batch write down a note on how punishable sneaking into a senior's dorm is and how should the cadet be punished for that. And the number of minutes you take to complete the task will be the number of knuckle pushups you do.And stand in regal stance while they write.*

Like this!!!!!!

This will be very very humiliating.

I'm almost tearing up.

*Any problem?*

"I learnt my lesson sir ."
I say looking down.

*good. So? * he says dangerously, challenging me to dare  continue my request.

"M...may I please wear
my uniform sir? "

I ask hesitantly, but going like this will be too awkward .
It would have been okay around my seniors , but they are my students!!!

*no, and be polite while you're at your task.*

I am supposed to ask for permissions and thank them too.

"Yes sir." I am no position to push things  anymore.
They have only turned worse till now.

I run to the gym , boss is going to be there.
I have a ruined life.

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