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"Tonight", the Senatipati drawled, "we set fire. Understood?"

His allies, fellow ministers, exchanged glances and gulped nervously. He resisted rolling his eyes. A bunch of wimps.

"Tonight, My Lord? Surely-"

He raised his hand and the minister fell silent. "The time is ripe. It's now or never, my good friends. How long are we to endure this pathetic excuse for a king?" he thundered. The minister flinched. He looked each of them in the eye, his own glazing over with a manic glint. "Besides", he continued, circling them, his voice dropping to a seductive purr, "imagine. Just imagine the power, the riches. One night away. One single night away. We have already laid out the plans haven't we? Why wait? Unless..." He paused, cocking his head to the side, one brow lifted dangerously. "Having second thoughts now, are we?"

Another round of audible swallowing. Everyone shook their heads no.

No one double-crossed the devil. Ever.

No one who valued their life that is.

He smiled. "Good. You know what needs to be done now, don't you?"

While most of them nodded grimly, a few looked apprehensive.

"If the King finds out-"

"The King", the Senatipati interrupted, his voice smooth as silk, "would not hurt his own allies now, would he?"

His evil laughter ricocheted eerily off the walls.



Senatipati (Say- naa- thi- pa- thi) - Commander-in-chief



Karikalan: Saviour of the CholasWhere stories live. Discover now