51. Six Sexxy Sisters

Start from the beginning

Kitty put her phone on speakerphone then called Ashley on Fayme's phone.

"NiNi, we have Big Sis and LeyLey on line, tell us what's up?

Tennille just cried, sniffling and whimpering before she said anything. "I tried to fight him off me..."

"Who the fuck? What happened?" Sarena yelled.

"Please come and get me, guys! TA is sleep...I think...but he may wake up and find me....h-he did stuff to me...I swear I didn't want it, I didn't! I tried fighting him but he..."

"That motherfucker!" Ashley yelled. "Where are we meeting up?"

"NiNi, stay on the line with me. LeyLey, go to the house and get Nola, we'll meet up there."

"Tennille, you're at his place or-" Krystle asked.

"Yes, his place. We were just partying last night...I didn't think he would..." She broke down and cried some more. "Please hurry up. He hurt me...hit me...my head hurts and I-"

"We are on our way." Kitty ended her call with Ashley and left Fayme's phone, then she and Krystle headed out. She kept Tennille on the line and continued to talk to her, making sure she was quiet so TA would not wake up and find her. She continued to tell her about what happened and her heart felt like it was pulled out of her chest.

She could not believe this happened to her sister. If only...if only she would have told them what he had done to her.

She had to push that thought from her mind and focus on saving her sister. She knew where TA lived, on the north side of Springfield near where he and Icee grew up. She had never been to the house but had access to Icee's info, so she pulled it up. Krystle drove her car while she continued to talk to Tennille. They made it to the Kelly house and Sarena, Ashley, and Nola were waiting outside. Krystle had barely stopped the car when they all hopped in.

"Hurry the fuck up!" Sarena yelled at Krystle who peeled off burning rubber.

They didn't even have to say anything the drive over there, which was across town from their southside house, they just got ready. Ashley brought rubber gloves for them and passed them around, though Ashley and Sarena declined. Whatever happened, they knew not to leave fingerprints. Ashley started taking off her wig, revealing her braided down hair with a net over it. Serena pulled her curls up to a messy bun on top of her head. Kitty took off her jacket and earrings, thankful she wore flats today.

Krystle parked the Denali right in front of the house, as there were not many cars on the street. It was super quiet, no one out as they scoped up and down the block.

"How we doing this?" Krystle asked.

"Don't act new to this," Sarena said as they all got out of the car. "Back way, so no one sees us busting in."

Kitty didn't care who saw them, her concern was getting her sister out safely before that little boy got to her again. They went to the back of the house and Nola looked around nervously. Krystle looked through the window. Sarena kicked the door right at the door jam and it splintered open and fell back as they all scurried inside.

The house was not large. For all the money TA had, he did not spend it on upgrading to a nicer house. Everything was immaculate in it though, but the place smelled like weed and dirty socks. Kitty held in her breath, not trying to get a contact high.

"Nola, Kryssy, go look for sis. Kitty said she hiding in a closet. Let's go find that motherfucker," Sarena said, storming down a hallway. 

They opened every door they came to until finally the last door when they opened it, a naked TA was laying in the bed.

"Wake his ass up so he can see what the fuck we about to do to him," Ashley said.

Sarena pulled out her gun from the gun holster she only wore when she was down to do some dirt.

"I say we just blast first, ask questions later," Sarena smashed the gun across the side of TA's head and he jumped awake, grabbing his head.

"What the fuck!" He looked confused, sitting up, looking around, and saw the three of them standing there. He looked over at Kitty and smiled. "Oh, I see you wanta come and get some of what yo sister got."

"This stupid ass mother fucker!" Ashley pulled out her gun, took the safety off. "Move an inch and I'll shoot your eye right out of your socket. And please disobey, I ain't shot a nigga in a minute."

He only grinned at them, even with two guns aimed at him. "We about to get freaky in here? What y'all bitches want?" He grabbed himself and shoved it toward Kitty. "Come suck my dick."

Serena punched him in the face, and he fell back, blood spewing from his nose. Kitty just watched in disbelief. She wanted a piece of him too, but she was not going to hurt herself just to hurt him.

"Get yo monkey ass up," Sarena ordered, the gun at his head. "Take this ass whooping by some bitches."

"Fuck you!"

Ashley with her long legs swiftly kicked him off the bed and he fell to the floor. Sarena immediately started punching him in the face. Ashley was stomping him out in her five-inch stilettos. His pale yellow skin had welts and cuts over his body and he was bleeding everywhere. TA tried to protect his face with his arms, but Sarena started hitting him with her gun as he screamed in pain.

Krystle, Nola, and Tennille rushed into the room. Nola had brought some of Tennille's clothes and she wore a long t-shirt and sweat pants. Her wig was off, and only her braided down hair was out. Her face was swollen, with an eye nearly swollen shut and purple, and a busted and swollen lip. Her one opened eye was red and she was shivering while Nola hugged her.

Seeing her sister in that state, Kitty lost it.

"Rena, give me your gun?"

"You know I always carry a spare," Sarena said, taking out the gun in her ankle holster.

Kitty took it, took the safety off, and aimed it at TA's head as he whimpered and cried a bloody mess, spitting out broken teeth and blood.

"I want to blast your mother fucking ass for what you did to me...for what you did to my sister. Tell me why I shouldn't?"


Meanwhile, before the ladies were off on their mission, T-Zack interrupted Icee taking a nap in the loft.

"Yo, wake your ass up!"

Icee opened one eye, saw his boy, and groaned.

"Man, what I tell you about popping up in my place? What if me and Kitty was naked and-"

"Nigga look," T-Zack held out his phone. "Freezy just sent me this track that he heard TA just recorded."

"Okay so? Boy been putting in work," Icee said, sitting up on the sofa.

"Yeah well, you need to hear this shit."

T-Zack pressed play and Icee listened. First, he was confused by what he was hearing, then he jumped up and grabbed the phone from his boy.

"What the hell is this?" He rewound the song and started it over.

What the hell was that lil mother fucker thinking with this song?

A/N: A song? Hmmm 🤔

Kitty and her sisters? More than just pretty faces. I have been containing them for all this long I'm excited you guys get to see them in action.

Sarena's nickname I gave her, "Two Gun-Toting Hot Momma."

Ashley is "Crazy Legs"

We'll learn Kitty's bad girl name next chapter.

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