~Descent Into Madness~

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A/N—You guys finally get to find out wtf happened on the rocks. Once again, it's in form of a memory sequence. Since it still sucks to read so much in italics, the beginning and end will be marked by a '—'

Kylo Ren's TIE Fighter breaks through the copper clouds swirling above the planet. His leather hands tighten around the controls of the old ship as it rumbles and groans from the pressure of the atmosphere. They had found this old thing several months ago, sitting in one of Coruscant's scrapyards. It wasn't exactly subtle, considering it dated back to the days of the Empire, but it was quick and small.

Moraband's lifeless surface whizzes past beneath the Fighter. It wasn't much to look at, but there was something about it that made it so magnetic. Perhaps it was the thousands of generations of Dark-Side Users calling out to him. The pull from the Force was unlike anything Kylo had felt before.

The entire planet was an orange-coppery color. Everything from the sky to the mountain peaks jutting out of the strange fog. Fog? No, it had to have been dust clouds. There were no plains as far as the eye could see; just peaks and valleys. This was the ancient home of the Sith. Their very place of origin before the days of the Empire.

This was the last possible place a portal to the world between worlds could lay.

Kylo had heard all of the ancient stories. He had read about the painting on Lothal that served as a passage. Its destruction was a shame, but Kylo was determined. That couldn't have been the only way in. The ancient Sith had tried to replicate the portal inside one of their own temples, but were unsuccessful in opening it. Perhaps Kylo could change that.

His days of wanting to be like his grandfather were long gone. Now he wanted to be more. He would accomplish more than Vader ever could in his lifetime. As far as he saw it, this was the only way to gain back his power without sacrificing the girl to do so. The whole purpose of this mission was to save your life, after all.

The world between worlds was his passage. His own secret to accomplishing greatness. It was a point in the Force that allowed whoever entered to see the past, present, and future, or so the legends had described. The stories had warned him that it was unlikely that the thread of time could be altered. That none of his actions would have an effect on the future. That was highly plausible, but still just an assumption made by those who had never even experienced it before.

Kylo grits his teeth as he guides the Fighter down into one of the valleys. The Valley of the Dark Lords, to be precise. The name was a bit on the nose, but Kylo didn't have time to criticize, nor was it his right. As far as he was concerned, this was where he belonged. He could feel the Force pumping through his veins. It made him stronger than he had ever felt before.

A cloud of dust swirls up around the Fighter as it lands in the bowl between the mountain peaks. Dry air invades the cabin as Kylo pushes open the hatch and climbs out, lowering himself back down on the other end. His hand automatically grips his lightsaber. With a familiar screeching roar, the three blades of his weapon are ignited.

Kylo's cloak snaps at his ankles as he walks briskly towards the Sith temple in the distance. It was difficult not to stare. The wide, dust-coated stone path was flanked by towering statues of ancient Sith lords. Kylo was half-expecting Darth Vader to be among them, but it made sense when he was nowhere to be seen. His dark eyes lift toward the massive stone temple looming before him. It wasn't architecturally impressive by any means; just a mash of prisms and triangles thrown together to appear more intimidating.

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