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I start the car and prepare for the two-hour drive

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I start the car and prepare for the two-hour drive. Mentally preparing myself during the drive is a necessity. Dealing with my sister is always very taxing.

Her daughter, Jess, is the spitting image of her, in looks and personality. It's not good to have two of them.

When I was born my mother died, my sister was eighteen and Jess was 6 months old. She didn't want another baby to take care of. I got sent to my father; I lived with him for 13 years; he died suddenly, and my sister was the only living relative.

I got shipped here, to live with her and her family, which grew with two sons. The first thing she said to me was, "you killed my mother. I'm going to make your life a living hell."

Can you imagine what that does to a thirteen-year-old girl who never had a mother?

And she kept her word, making me so miserable, I ran away after 6 months. Unfortunately, she found me again, but it took her almost 4 years, and she learned that I have a lot of money, so she became a little more friendly, but just a little. And from that point on, she keeps calling for money.

When I arrive at the dance studio, after a very tiring hour handling my sister, I park my car, and I'm quite nervous, actually.

I've been dreading this day. The day I meet my inspiration for the dances I create for their music, which I love by the way. The closer this day got, the more butterflies took residence in my belly. Now it's filled to the brim, making me feel like I want to vomit.

I don't want to vomit, but the nerves are so strong, I don't know what to do with myself. Last night at the club, I saw them; I didn't interact with them, mind you, but the nerves were there. And then seeing them, watching me perform with the other contestants, gave me goosebumps.

I locked eyes with three of them, and the last one had such an intense stare, it made the hair in my neck stand up, an electrifying current running over my skin.

It made me catch my breath. My fingers started tingling with the urge to touch him. I didn't want to look away, but I had to, or I would've lost my place in the dance. After the dance, I was more out of breath than normal. Could it be because of his intense stare?

I tried to find him, but I couldn't. At least I couldn't see him. The soulmate mark burned bright during the performance, it's a feeling I will have to get used to.

It probably triggered the dream I had this morning. Thinking back on it now is not a good idea. My heart speeds up, making the nerves flutter.

I try to swallow the feeling away. I only succeed thinking of someone I don't find attractive, aka my dance partner for the TV-show. I'm freaking glad I don't have to dance with him, ever again, he is out of my life.

This thought makes me extremely happy, and with new determination, I get out of my car, lock it and make my way inside. I climb the stairs to the second floor, where the biggest studio is, where I know they're waiting for me.

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