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We walk to the cars

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We walk to the cars. The ride to the club is comfortable, everyone is enjoying the relaxed mood. The silence in the car, only broken by the car radio, isn't awkward, instead, it is calming to me. It put me in a better mood, hopefully, it can stay that way, I hate being depressed and gloomy. The sounds out of the radio make no sense to me, but somehow it sounds comforting.

The club is in the middle of the farmlands, which is a little strange to me. It looks like a huge, brown barn, one that will collapse in on itself if you would push just a little. It doesn't look safe to me, but apparently, it is because many people go in and out of the place.

We stand watching it while waiting in line.

"You've to pay a fee to get in, and when you leave, you can opt for a stamp on your hand, which lets you enter again on the same night, without paying the fee again. So if you need fresh air after dancing, you can go out, get the stamp, and enter again once you're full of fresh air."

He waves to indicate all the people going in and out. "But tonight is an exclusive event, so tonight we get in showing the ticket which gets cut, the rest you keep, so you can get back in," Mike explains while giving them the eight tickets when it was our turn.

After cutting said tickets, we go in. The inside is something I have never seen in a club before. Almost everything is out of wood, 'who chooses wood for a club' I think to myself while looking around. The lights in this room are quite bright, so I can look around clearly.

On both sides of the room is a bar, no barstools, just many people trying to get drinks.

"You don't pay with money. Right next to the entrance is a little booth where you can buy coins with money." Mike points back to the entrance, and I can see someone sitting in a small booth. "The coins then can get drinks at the many bars inside the club." Mike points to the bar and waves his hand beyond that to show there are more bars hidden away.

"Sodas are two coins, beers three, and it goes up, the higher the alcohol level of the drink, the more coins it costs," Mike explains again.

People are dancing in this room, but there doesn't seem to be a clear dancefloor, people just dance where they stand.

There are four more giant rooms like this one.

One has flashy lights and techno music blaring out of its speakers.

The next one is softly lit with yellow and pink lights. Soft and slow dance music is floating over the people waltzing in the middle of the room. At the sides are couches, loveseats, and small tables

The last dance room is hip hop, this feels like my kind of room. The first two we walked through just don't suit my style.

We were on our way to the last room, the real lounge, the other one with couches and such is a little too romantic to be a lounge.

The last room has a black and silver theme, black couches and chairs, silver tables, and white walls with minimal lightning. Along the walls are booths to give people some privacy.

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