Chapter twenty-two Calling in a Favor

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“I guess most the people brought down here are slightly bloated usually,” she said with a little humor to her voice.


“This is how I work, Luke,” she retorted. “I talk into recorder all day. It’s a habit, so shut up and let me do this.”

We fell silent as Melissa contained her evaluation. 

“Do you want me to run a rape kit?” she asked, looking at Luke.

He peered down at me, and I shook my head.

“No that’s okay. He doesn’t like police.”

“Does take a genius to figure that out.” She turned her back to us and walked away. “Bring him over here, and we’ll wash him off.”

Luke scooped up my naked form and carried me over to a table with a spray nozzle attached to the side. He laid me down and Melissa started spraying me off. The water felt like ice on my already raw skin. It burned as she scrubbed the dirt off me.

“It’s cold,” I breathed, my teeth starting to chatter.

“Can you make it hotter?” asked Luke, brushing my hair back from my face.

She stared at him. “He’s the first one to complain about it.”

“Melissa.” He eyed his sister.

“Luke, I’m going to say this one more time. I work with dead body, so I’m sorry if not everything’s accommodates to the living.” She washed me down but stopped before stopping at my private area. “Luke, I think it’s best if you do this.” She sighed. “I rather not traumatize him any more than needs be.”

He nodded and took a wash rag from her as she rolled me onto my side. 

“Tilt you head back for me.” 

I did as she asked and gasped when the water ran through my hair. Luke was gentle with me but I could hold in a cry when he touch my pucker. 

“It’s hurts,” I whimpered, moving my legs away from him.

“Shh…” He kissed my cheek. “It’ll be alright. Okay?”

I nodded.

“It’s still bleeding too.” Melissa finish rinsing me off and took a moment to look at the damage. “He has a laceration along the internal wall. It’s looks like it close to the opening though, so I should be able to stitch it up with no problems.” Walking over to a shelves, she tossed a white sheet at Luke. “Dry him off  with that.”

“Please tell me this hasn’t been used,” groaned Luke.

She cocked a hip and glared at him. “So what if it is.”

Luke didn’t respond and just did his best to dry me off before carrying me back to the other table. Melissa had cleaned it off and dragged a cart of surgical tools over. 

Luke placed me on my side. “Do you have anything else I can wrap him to warm him up?”

“In my office, there’s a blanket on the couch.”

He nodded and left while Melissa filled a needle and set it to the side. I felt her prod my lower region and stick something inside of me. I clenched my jaw at the pain and hope she didn’t see the embarrassment in my face. Luke returned and lifted up my upper half and wrapped the blanket around me. He rubbed my arms, trying to generate some body heat for me. It felt nice to be somewhat warm. 

“Is that better?” he asked, brushing wet strands from my eyes.

“Thank you,” I whispered, pulled the blanket around me.

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