43 : Sudden Changes

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During this, the sober man gaze at Glaiza and mouthed 'Go', tilting his head towards the door. The short-haired girl gave a thankful nod before sprinting outside Ben's house, brisk-walking towards the direction of the Ramos' residence and wanting to be as far as possible from her boyfriend's house.

Its as if she could still feel Ben's firm hands lustfully roam her upper body, his rough kiss claiming her lips resulting to their teeth bumping, and the two guys' gazes filled with malice as if already undressing her through their minds. It was all disgusting. Glaiza felt nothing but disgusted. She want to be mad but thought to herself that they were just drunk. Drunkenness results to people doing stupid things. The short-haired girl reassured herself that their actions was just because of the alcohol in their systems and that they're good people.

Although reassured, she still couldn't stop her heart from going abnormally fast, knowing that deep down she still feel uncomfortable and uneasy. When she had already went inside the house and towards the room, she took a deep breath before opening the door, finding the rich girl situated on the bed. Upon hearing the door opening, Rhian gaze up and her eyes instantly light up at the sight of Glaiza. However, her smile turn to a frown when she saw Glaiza's forced smile before walking towards the girl.

"G, what's wrong?" Rhian asked, immediately holding her hands. Upon feeling her shaky hands, the rich girl's eyes widened in worry. "Your hands are shaking. Did something happened?"

"Nothing, I'm fine. Ben and I were arm wrestling earlier... so yeah. That explains my shaky hands." Glaiza chukled nervously, averting her gaze away from Rhian's narrowed eyes.

Rhian look at her for a moment, hesitating on whether or not to convince Glaiza to tell her the truth. She didn't believe her lie one bit, and she knows that something happened during her stay with Ben. Deciding on the latter, the rich girl gently pulled the girl closer to her, wrapping her arms around her for a hug.

"I know you're lying, but don't worry, I won't force you to tell me anything that you feel uncomfortable to share. Just know that its all going to be okay and that I'm always gonna be here for you. As long as I'm here, you're going to be okay, G." Rhian muttered.

Glaiza melted both at her gesture and her words, hugging her back just as tight. Feeling the girl this close to her as she whisper reassuring words at her was enough to bring peace and ease in Glaiza's mind. Pulling back shortly, the short-haired girl cupped the girl's cheek, bringing their lips together for a kiss. Glaiza chuckled when, as soon as they pull away, a blush tinted Rhian's cheeks.

"Alright, that's enough about me. There's something you want to tell me?" Glaiza reminded, to which Rhian's eyes lit up in realization.

"Oh right! Here, why don't you sit down while I get it." Rhian gently push the girl to sit down on the bed before she rummage through her nightstand.

"Get what?" Glaiza asks as she crane her neck to see what the rich girl is looking for.

"This." Rhian replied before giving her the flyer Chynna had made. Upon assessing the poster, Glaiza look back at Rhian with a raised eyebrow.

"A talent show? What's this have to with me?" Glaiza questioned, to which Rhian rolled her eyes.

"Its a good thing you're cute, or I would've smack your head for your cluelessness." Rhian sighed. "You're going to perform there, silly."

"I have work, Rhi." Glaiza hand thr flyer back to Rhian. "You know I have a deadline to catch up on. Father's medical expenses are due next week, and I'm no closer in achieving even half of it. So I don't have time for that."

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