Chapter fifty two

Start from the beginning

"" I whispered knowing she probably wouldn't hear, black spots filling my vision as I began to pass out.

Ari's pov

Crouched down at the end of the couch I pushed away my comlink mid message as I felt masters fading consciousness. Master called this man Starfallen, but as far as I was aware that name was her masters - the scary lady with anger issues. But this most definitely wasn't her, he had a red lightsaber for starters - so he had to be a sith right?

Well there wasn't time to dwell on it: whoever or whatever he was he was trying to take (n/n), and I wouldn't let that happen.

"Hey bantha breath!" I shouted out to get his attention while spinning up onto the back of the couch and igniting my saber. His head darted round, scary yellow eyes glaring at me with hate. Well now I had his attention, time to do what I do best and irritate the hell out of him. "Anyone ever told you the whole 'black mullet' look is about as attractive as being a purple skinned trandosion named Keith?" I added with my signature bright smirk, twirling the hilt on my blade through my fingers and watching with satisfaction and anger ignited in his eyes. The man threw my master across the room to fall against the nearest wall, turning his attention fully towards me with fury.

"You bratty little...

"Brat? Ah wait you can't really use that twice in the same sentence can you?" Interrupting I hoped down from the back of the couch, expression unchanging from the usual grin as he strode over to look above me. Again I could see the anger rising in his eyes. This was almost to easy, provoking younglings and other padawans in furling practise had always been a simple fun trick - but insulting a sith? Wow he looked passed.

Not entirely sure wether that was a good thing yet.

"You're not the brightest are you big guy? Maybe less time in the gym more time in class eh?" Again o quipped watching his muscles tense or more importantly fingers tense round his lightsaber. He was about to make a move.

"Ignorant little girl." Sure enough after muttering that simple insult he swung the blade with both hands right towards me. Luckily my skills come with movement being a 'little girl', so I ducked and weaved round, clashing my blade to his on the defensive.

"Ooo not happy are we? Tell me, what will your master say when I beat you - hah, I but he'll be soooo pissed." I chuckled while parrying a few strikes while bobbing and weaving round his like a weasel-rat. Irritated further his strike momentarily grew more aggressive however also more sloppy. Humming as I spun on my feet practically running laps round the giant of a man I remembered something Master Skywalker had said not to long ago.

It was during our mission to intercept Grievous, we were navigated this place called the Balmora run or some such when all the scopes went dead and well then we ran into trouble like always. But anyway he said to trust in the force, let it guide me back to the group. It sounds simple I know...but I usually struggle with connecting to the force around me. Listening to it then, it was like I instinctively knew what to do.

A punch to the jaw bought me back to reality, my body flying back and hitting the nearest wall. Giving a groan I opened my eyes and watched him fast approaching. A glance to my left confirmed my master was still unconscious on the floor. I couldn't let him get to her. Feeling a little panicked for the first time since the fight began I tried to calm myself, following master Skywalkers instructions and reaching out into the force. I closed my eyes and bit my lip, desperately trying to focus for the sake of the unconscious woman beside me.

Suddenly things seemed to become clear: rolling to the right, blocking with the force then parrying back across the living room. The moves flowed easily, like for the first time ever I was taking things seriously. No longer was a wearing a mischievous grin but instead an actual expression of focus - o surprised myself even catching a glimpse in the nearest mirror. Well before it shattered during the fight.

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