Game time then?

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Claras POV
"I think we better get up" I smiled after we'd been laid down for a while. "You sure you can walk" he chuckled to himself, "anyway why do we need to get up you could stay the night" I smiled at the thought of him wanting me here all night, "we promised we'd go back down and play games with them remember" I smiled sitting up. "You can wear one of my long tops if you want, my Quidditch one will look like a dress" he smiled at me handing me his Quidditch shirt. I placed it on and he was right it drowned me sure enough looking like a dress. We both headed back down too the common room as the sound of wolf whistles echoed due to our entrance. "Alright love birds" Fred smiled. In the room was Fred, Angelina, Dean, Harry, Hermione, Ron and Neville and Ginny. "We're about to play truth or dare If you're up for it?" Angelina smiled. Me and George nodded at the same time. We took a seat on the sofa next to each other George putting his hand on my thigh. I smiled at the small yet meaningful gesture. "Hermione it was your go, truth or dare?" Dean smiled. She picked truth gaining the question "what's your favourite hair colour on a boy?" She nervously looked at the floor "erm I suppose it would be red Well ginger" she looked up up to see Fred, George and Ron high five each other. "Clara?" Hermione looked at me, I knew the dare would be to rip up a piece of homework or something so I decided to go with truth. "Do you honestly see a difference in Fred and George or do you just get lucky when you call their names?" She asked. I felt George's thigh tense next to me as it wasn't a nice topic for him. "No I genuinely can tell them apart" "but how?" Harry asked. "Easy. George's hair is fluffy on top but close to his ears, when he smiles the right side of his mouth goes up but the left of Fred's does, there's loads of differences between them" I smiled. George squeezed my thigh in appreciation. "Right let's do some interesting ones," Fred smiled, "George truth or dare?" "Dare" George smirked. "Kiss the best looking girl in the room" Fred smiled. I watched as he got of the sofa keeping one hand still near me as he began to bend down to Alicia. Was he fucking joking me?
George's POV
I couldn't help it I had to wind her up. Bending down to Alicia I made sure my hand was still close to Clara as I quickly turned and pulled her arm with my closest hand pulling her up and into me kissing her passionately. The kiss was long as people began to cheer, "you dick" she smirked. "Sorry darling but boys will be boys. Anyway Angelina truth or dare?" She chose dare and I wanted to make it an interesting game. "You've got to try give Fred a boner without touching him" I laughed finding myself too funny, "easy" she smiled as she began whispering in his ear. Fred's face began to go red at the cheeks as Angelina looked down  at his pants. "Done" she smirked. I threw a pillow at Fred to cover it but clearly Alicia had noticed the growth, "Jesus, Clara is George's that big" her comment annoyed both Angelina and Clara but Clara had found a sassy reply. "Felt bigger when it was inside me" she gave Alicia a dirty look earning a group oooo from our friends. I pulled her onto my lap at this comment making it clear she was mine. God knows what Dean would think of a dare. "Whatever," Alicia quickly replied, we had gone around the rest of the group earning a few blushes from Hermione when Ron kissed her cheek, the big dares were for the big boys, then Alicia pipped back up, "Clara? Truth or dare?" she asked, Clara responded "dare" oh fuck. "I dare you to kiss Dean" Alicia smirked. Bitch. "No," Clara sternly stated. "What?" Alicia laughed, "You can't say no to a dare?" She laughed, "I just did, I'm not a fucking idiot who loses all sense of moral just because were playing a childrens game, I'm not kissing Dean, the only boy I'll be kissing, unlike you, is George," she wasn't finished, "so either ask someone else, ask me a real dare or a better truth" She smiled back at Alicia, Jesus her being so fiesty really turned me on, holy fuck. "Fine" Alicia grunted, "truth, how good was George in bed?" she laughed trying to annoy Clara. Clara stood up and walked over to Alicia, "oh the absoulte best" she purred into her ear, "Imagine he lays you down and whispers how gorgeous you are, just imagine you've never felt so sexy or apprieciated in your life, he leans down kissing every inch of your body making you tingle all over, he insterts one finger," she said causing Alicia to gulp, Claras recollection of our first time was making me harder, "then another, imagine your own moans and his grunts filling the room and then he slowly insterts himself, getting faster and faster as you both climax together, hes that good. Did you imagine that Alicia?" Clara smirked, "Y...yes" she replied breathlessly, "Good, because thats the only way youre going to expierence having sex with him, in your fucking head" she chuckled walking back over and sitting on my lap, her eyes widdening as she realised what she'd done. "Upstairs George?" she laughed, "definately" i smiled pulling her upstairs for round two.

George My Darling xOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara