He's just a boy

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Claras POV

The scream that cam from Ginny was incredibly heartbreaking. She ran towards the front of the crowd until her dad stopped her. She was attempting to run to Hagrid who was holding a limp Harry Potter. I let out a small cry as I walked towards George who was stood near the front. When he noticed it was me he let out a huge breath, "Oh Clara you're okay," he kissed me then held me hand tightly as we looked forward.

Georges POV

I had never ever been so happy to of seen Clara here. She was bruised, bleeding and covered in dust and dirty but she was alive. The scene before us was terrifying. The dark Lord himself stood there as we all stared at a seemingly dead Harry Potter. Voldemort began his speech about Harry's death. Then he turned too the crowd of us. "Ah, young love" he hissed looking directly towards me and Clara. I held her body tightly to mine. "Relax, I'm not here for her," his voice was slimey and sickening, "I'm not here for any of you, all you have to do is join our side and then I won't kill you. It isn't hard," he smiled horrifingly. "Now who will be the first to join us?" his voice was like a whisper that felt so close to your skin. A deeper voice then began, "Draco," Lucius spoke, trying to direct Draco to Voldemorts side. Draco began to step forward. "Draco no!" I felt movement from the side of me.

Claras POV

"Draco you don't need to do this," I spoke my eyes begining to well. "I know you were looking for someone to stop you, well here I am. You're still my family, you're my cousin. You're the only blood I have left Draco," I was panicking, I know he didn't want to go. "Don't join that side, I'll protect you, we will protect you," I gestured to the group around me. "I have too," Draco croaked. My tears began to fall. "No, you, you" I stuttered, I couldn't keep it together anymore. Another body stepped forward to meet mine. "You don't have to do anything you don't want Draco, she's right, we'll protect you," a deeper voice that I knew so well spoke. George. "DRACO!" his father demanded. Draco looked down and shook his head, refusing to move. I walked to him followed by George. I held onto him as tears ran down his face. He's just a boy. "What a shame," a hiss came. Draco looked up and a smile came on his face. What had he seen that we hadn't? I followed his eye line and my face lit up. "YOU WERE DEAD!" Voldemorts voice rang through our ears. Harry had topled from Hagrids arms and had began running. He was still unarmed. "A wand," I spoke, "Harry has no wand" I repeated. That's when Draco began his true redemption. "Potter!" he shouted before throwing his wand to Harry who caught it. I took Georges hand as we took steps back. Harry and Voldemort fired spells like I'd never seen before. Streams of green and red collided together until there was no green sting of light. Harry had won, the dark lord burst into flakes on himself. He was no more. Cheering echoed around the hall as everyone ran to make sure Harry was okay.

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