Its just a talk

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Claras POV
It was finally time for me and George to talk about everything that had happened over the past weeks of us not talking. "Where'd you wanna talk?" I nervously asked him. He smiled with confidence just happy for us to be talking again, "erm, we could go upto my dorm?" I looked worried as he asked that, "not for that, erm not for that reason. It just means they won't walk in" He gestured to the door. "Sure George" I smiled. We got up to walk up the stairs. I walked up them first when I heard George almost choke "Jesus Clara, you need a longer skirt If you're walking up the stairs infront of anyone that's not me" I laughed. "I usually have my robe on" That boy always knew how to make me laugh, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't missed him all this time. We arrived at his door as he opened it for me. "That ones my bed" he pointed to the one in the corner, the only bed in the room that was actually made neatly. I smiled at his cleanliness. I sat down and he sat next to me facing me. "I'm sorry" we both said simultaneously causing us to nervously laugh.
George's POV
I'm just going to come out and say it. "Why did you stand me up on our date?" I spluttered out quickly. She looked taken aback and confused like she was about to laugh. "Me? Stood you up? I turned up and looked through the window to see you and Alicia fondling hands" Oh god I think I've annoyed her again. "No, no I would never" I paused realising what had happened. "She knew you were there she must of" I became angrier by the second. "What?" Clara questioned. "She grabbed my hand out of no where I was so confused but she just played with my hand comparing it in size to hers" I couldn't believe what she'd done that snake. "I swear I didn't realise what she was doing" I paused, "I want you to be the only girl who touches my hand" I gave her another weak smile. She returned. "It's okay Georgie, I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions I just hate that bitch" Her swearing caused us both to laugh. Then realisation hit me, "She is a bitch, a bitch I have to go to the ball with" Clara held my hand, "at least she doesn't just wanna fuck you" she giggled. "Well if I gave her the chance" I laughed. "Well you better bloody not" she laughed again. "Never" I leant in to kiss her. "The ball will be funny, seeing you squirm with her there" Clara laughed again, "besides I'll save you a dance love" She always cheered me up. "Good. I'll save you a lot more" I said with a wink, "you cheeky bastard" we burst into laughter. "After this, I'm going on holiday to Egypt with my family. But then, then if you want me and you? We could give it ago?" I nervously asked her, Jesus this was a weird relationship, our timing wasn't great I mean we had to watch each other on dates tomorrow but I liked her and if she liked me we could make
It work. "I'd really like that George" she whispered to me laying her head on my chest. "Wicked" I smirked thinking about the future.

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