Happily Ever After

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Georges POV

I had convinced mum to throw a party at the burrow about one thing or another. She loved to be a hostess so she was excited. Me on the other hand I was terrified. Nerves filled the pit of my stomach building all the way up to my brain. I was at at the kitchen table, when my mum shook me from my daydream. "George get up and do something people will be here any minute. What time will Clara be here from work?" she smiled at me. "Erm, she finishes at three so, anytime now?" I was too nervous to think. I couldn't handle the pop quiz from my mum. "Alright mate?" Fred walked in, he was the only one who knew of my plans so he was the only one who knew I was very much not 'alright mate'. I shook my head at him to let him know he was a dickhead. The door began to ring as people were soon crowding in the burrow for a party, they had no idea what they were celebrating. In fact who knew if by the end they would be celebrating. I could only hope. Clara came in not long after everyone else. "Hello love" she smiled kissing my cheek and putting her bag down. "hey" I spoke shly, completely out of character. I was sure if I didn't get this over with I wouldn't say it at all. "erm," I coughed nervously, Clara looked at me suspciously, "care to join me in the room?" I smiled, she noddes still confused. We entered the room and everyone was talking, it was bustling with noise. When we got to the middle of the room I stopped so did Clara. I nodded to Freddie who shouted, "OI EVERYONE," everyone turned to stare at him, "George has something to say," he smiled sweetly. The attention quickly turned too me. I smiled awkwarded then coughed again. "Clara," I smiled again, she smiled back. I took her hand and began to speak, "You're the most amazing girl I've ever met. You've done so much for me over these past years that I'd be insane too not be truly head over heels in love with you. Which I am, by the way," I stuttered causing her too laugh. "You make me want to be a better person, you're the perfect girl for me. I know that people might see us as opposites but we're more compatible that anyone could imagine. Sure I make jokes at the wrong time and you stress like Hermione revising for an exam. But, I love you with all my heart so," I paused taking a box from my pocket and lowering my knee to the ground. Everyone around is gasped, "will you be my wife Clara?" I gulped praying she wouldn't say no. She let out a sob she'd been holding through the speech, "Oh George my darling, yes, yes of course," she cried as I put the ring on ehr finger. "It's beautiful," she smiled through tears, "so are you" I smiled back as I picked her up into a hug.

Claras POV

I couldn't believe it, he'd finally asked me. I loved George more than the world and always have. I couldn't wait too be his wife. We'd finally got out happily ever after.

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