A suit? Very fancy

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Georges POV

"You scared me awfully yesterday" I spoke as she awoke at my flat above the shop. She smiled groggily. "I didn't mean too, I just," she paused like she was nervous that I was going tell her off. "I couldn't just stand there and do nothing. He's still my cousin George and he didn't want too do it," she breathed in panic. "And he didn't do it" I squeezed her hand. I hated Draco but she was right he was still her cousin. "We better be going to Harrys soon" I broke the comfortable silence. She nodded, standing uneasily but gaining her balance. "I'm sure everyone would understand if you just waited at the burrow and didn't do the flight," I knew she wouldn't agree but at least I gave her the option. "I'm okay George, really. I can do the flight," with that she disappeared to the shower.

Claras POV

We arrived at Harrys in no time. It got crowded pretty quickly, George noticed my unease in the crowd and took my hand. "Hey you" he smiled softly. "Hi, a suit? Very fancy for the occasion," I smiled too him. He laughed at my comment. "Just thought we should have a talk in case we're murdered tonight, no big deal" he laughed. I nudged him sharply. "I'd be fuming with you if you died," I shot back at him, he wasn't going to. "I'd be dead so I'm afraid I wouldn't care," he smiled cockily. "Oh yeah? You can watch me and my new boyfriend from the sky then" I raised my eyebrows at him. He was good at making sure people didn't worry in situations they definitely should be worrying in. "Owch," he whined exaggerating the pain. "But seriously, I've been thinking Clara," he smiled taking my hand. "You thinking? That's never good," I smiled back squeezing his hand as a heart to heart began in the corner of Harry's childhood living room, romantic. "You seriously better not die tonight because after this war, after all the shit, I've got some big plans for us," he smiled widely. "Big plans? That is exciting," I returned the smile. "Oh yeah, a big diamond ring, winter wedding then," he paused tickling my stomach. "George" I laughed as he continued to whined me up. "Clara, I need you in my life, more than anything, so please, tonight be safe. I need you to put yourself first tonight, get back home safe," He put his hand too my check. "George, you know I can't do that, just like I know you wouldn't either. Don't you think I need you too? You're my future, there is no me without you. So, be as safe as you can, okay?" I smiled at him trying to hide my worry. "Please don't die tonight" his smile was weak, attempting to be humorous. "Loose an arm or a leg, but pack it in all together?" I smiled at him, waiting for his reply, "never" a tear rolled down my cheek as the seriousness of the situation dawned on me. When I was in danger it was okay but tonight George was out there. "I love you," he kissed me deeply. "I love you too," I smiled before joining the rest of the group.

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