Not exactly something I can put in a letter

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George's POV
We'd been in Egypt a few days now and it was really fun. I'd sent Clara a few letters and she'd responded. I was missing her even more than I thought I would. She told me she was missing me too. Today mum decided she wanted to go look around the pyramids and what not. Apparently it was a big tourist attraction, Egypt was hotter than I could ever expect which led to me to make the decision to cut my hair shorter as it was less sweaty, Fred did the same. We were walking around the sandy pyramids sweating when another family came too us and started talking to mum when I noticed on a girl about my age a stick poking out of her boot. "Shouldn't leave your wand like that" I smiled at her, "Oh you noticed? Most people think I'm a weirdo with a stick" she laughed back, "Elizabeth Stockhard" she held her hand out for me to shake it, I did. "George Weasley, that's my twin Fred"
I pointed to the tall boy behind her. She smiled. "Our parents seem to be getting along well" she looked at them. I smiled back at them as mum began to walk over "oh George you've met the Stockhards daughter good, we're going to dinner with them tonight" Mum saying dinner reminded me that I'll need to ask Clara to come on a dinner with me the next time I see her I couldn't wait. I was soon snapped out of my daydream as Elizabeth spoke "that should be fun" I smiled an awkward smile I didn't want her to become too friendly. "See you tonight" she winked. God that's exactly what I didn't want. Her family walked away as I looked at Fred for help. "Mum do I have to go tonight?" I looked desperate, "sorry dear I
Didn't think she'd take that much of a liking too you. Just tell her about Clara tonight and she should get the picture" my mum smiled reassuringly. Yeah because that had worked with Alicia. Brilliant.
The time for the dinner came quicker than I wanted as I decided I had to get changed. I walked down the stairs to meet the rest of my family to see the Stockhards already there waiting. Fabulous just what I wanted. "George" Elizabeth smiled, "you look dashing" oh god I felt guilty at the fact she was complimenting me and Clara wasn't even my girlfriend yet. "I have a girlfriend" I half shouted to everyone watching me. Fuck. My mum ushered everyone out yet Elizabeth decided she wanted to walk and then sit next to me at dinner. "So George, what's your girlfriend like?" She slyly asked. "She's beautiful and so intelligent, she's the best honestly" I smiled stuffing food in my mouth. "And what's she like in bed?" She whispered causing me to begin choking. "Sorry what?" I was shocked that a basic stranger was asking me about my sex life. "Well you have had sex haven't you George?" She fluttered her eyelashes in an attempt to look sexy but it wasn't working for me, "yes I have with Clara. It was the single best moment of my life so far thank you" I looked back to my food, "If you thought she was good" she moved closer to me "imagine what I'm like" she winked. God I feel sick, what would Clara do right now? Sass, yeah sassiness I've got this. "I imagined it" she smiled at me "oh yeah?" " yeah. It was the single worst moment of my life" I whispered back laughing. I finished my meal leaving Elizabeth sat in a mood. How was I supposed to tell Clara about this? It's not exactly something I can write in a letter.
Me and Fred were sat in the holiday room when our parents came bursting in. "George!" She screamed. I became panicked by the panic in her voice. "The newspaper!" She panted, "look at the newspaper" she pointed at the front page. Fuck. "Mum we've got to go home" I began to hyperventilate.
Claras POV
I stared down in disbelief at the newspaper my
Aunt had just placed in my hands. How am I supposed to tell George this? It's not exactly something I can write in a letter. "Clara, we need to go to the order it's the only
Safe place apart from Hogwarts" Tonks smiled at me trying to reassure me. I stared in complete disbelief.

There she was my mother and she had broken out of Azkaban

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There she was my mother and she had broken out of Azkaban. "I'll get my
Stuff ready" I smiled trying to keep it together as a tear rolled down my cheek. I was terrified and there was only one person I wanted to see right now. "He'll be there" Tonks smiled. "George, he'll be at the order" I let out a sigh
Of relief. God I need you George.

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