Prologue, Part II

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I walked away from her, towards another rather short student looking at the wall for some reason? He seemed lost in thought.

Boy in Sweater: Ah! I can't wait to find out more about this place. Even if it's not Hope's Peak Academy...

Kaori: Excuse me? What's your name?

Boy in Sweater: My name? It's Souta Furusawa! I'm the Ultimate Paleontologist, for your information.

Kaori: Paleontologist? What even is that?

Souta: The study of life before us! Especially dinosaurs! I love to learn all about what came long before we were born! I wish to learn more about you someday.

Kaori: (A boy with limitless curiosity, judging from how he behaves and sounds. From the looks of it, he'll be satisfied by the experience... won't he?)

Armed Girl: ...Hey. Are you Kaori Hotaru?

I turned around to acknowledge her. She looked especially garish, with her cyan hair, yellow suit, and pink safety gear. Of course, I had to be polite.

Kaori: I am.

Armed Girl: Might as well introduce myself, dummy. The name's Ouka. Yura Ouka. And they don't call me the Ultimate Airsofter for nothing!

Kaori: (With those words, she pointed her spray-painted airsoft uzi directly at my face. She's definitely an aggressive person, and one I should stay wary around.)

Yura: Mark my words - if we become enemies some day, you're gonna regret meeting me!

Girl in Red: Yura, cut it out. You know what will happen if you fired that at Kaori, don't you?

Kaori: ...Thank you.

Another girl had walked towards us to break up the conflict. She wore red, and gave off the air of grace and dignity with her dark brown hair and stern-looking face.

Girl in Red: If it makes you feel better, then I am Ayane Mitsurugi, the Ultimate Prosecutor. Pleased to meet you.

We shook hands together as a token of goodwill.

Kaori: Pleased to meet you as well, Ayane.

Ayane: I appreciate that. I want to keep order in these strange circumstances.

Kaori: We all do, don't we?

Ayane: Hmm, perhaps. Probably not, considering that crime exists in the first place.

Kaori: (She seems to be taking this situation as seriously and cautiously as I am. Good for the both of us, I think.)

Ayane: Oh? What do you want?

She pointed me towards a young man, equally as stoic. Unlike her, with skin as pale as snow, his was tanned, as if he had been outside for long. He also wore a teal garment, and was carrying around a wooden sword.

Kaori: Hello, I'm Kaori. Kaori Hotaru.

Boy with Wooden Sword: Ho-hum. Let me introduce myself, Hotaru-san. I am Masao Mifune, the Ultimate Kendo Team Captain.

Kaori: Do you... actually use that sword?

Masao: Yes. In kendo practice, obviously. Enough talk now; I have more urgent matters to attend to.

Kaori: (He gives off an impression of the strong, silent type... He may be an Ultimate Kendo Team Captain, but I doubt he'll be one to approach the group with offers of friendship...)

Ayane: Anyone else you want to speak to?

Kaori: Yes. That blonde girl with the headphones.

Ayane: She doesn't look too eager to chat...

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