Drink And Found

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(With The RED Scout And It's In His POV)

Good.....why Me.....why did I decide to do this...why did I choice This as fucking work.
Just fucking Shit like all I had to do was to get into the Blu's base,get the intel and get the fuck outta there, but NOOOOOO~, god decided that the fucking Ass of an Engineer should put his god dam sentry right outside the Blu's spawn room so that I can't double jump ova' the bridge roof and to the otha side and that I can't get in the intel room by the court yard area without getting My body full of bullets. Right now it's a Sudden death match, I'm realy weak.

there are no more freaking health packs most of My fucking team is probably fucking dead by now or are soon to just fucking be and waiting to respawn after the sudden death is over and I'm basicly trapped in the sewers thanks to the Blu' Engie like i said before and that I have a Pyro and Spy looking for Me and just waiting to fucking kill Me as soon as one or both of them sees Me.
I could wait till sudden death runs outta time but that's like 3 minuets away and I don't wanna wait. Why can't the Pyro or Spy find Me.

I guess they hardly come down here.... Though can't blame them tho, if the Pyro lights something on fire or if He lights someone in fire they can just get into the water, and now well as for the Spy if He is cloaked his footsteps can be heard by Him splashing the water when He's moving around or moving in on somebody from behind.

I put My bat down and crawled towards the water to put both My hands in the water and raised it to My mouth and I took a drink.

God I needed that. I was about to take another sip when something shiny caught My eye, I turned my head and saw a bottle filled with liquid...at first I thought it was one of Demoman's "Drinks" but...the bottle was clear and the liquid was orange.

I reached over and grabbed the bottle and looked at it...it looks like orange juice...hell I just drank the sewer water. Might as well try this stuff...j...just incase someone else drinks it and it turns out fine and I don't get a sip. I take the cork off the top then throw it in the water. I take a sniff...just in case...

and like I expected.... it smelled like oranges. I brought the top of the bottle to My lips, tilted My head back and swallowed the liquid down in one big gulp. I threw the bottle into the water and crawled back into My corner beside My metal bat.

I then noticed I had an after taste of the drink. I licked My lips as I heard the Administrator yell off the top of her Lungs.

"60 seconds left in the mission" I heard over the Spickers.

Thank god once time is almost up I'll head back to My room.
(After Soldier yell as Me)
Then one's there I'm gonna grab My sports mag and read till I sleep. I lost My train of thought (not that I was really thinking...I think) when I suddenly started getting really and I mean REALLY painful cramps in My stomach. It felt like My stomach was on fire. I cluched My stomach with both My hands and whinced in pain. I know regretted drinking that 'Drink'. I was about to call for a medic but blackness over took Me out before I got the chance....

(End Of The RED Scout's POV)
(We Go To Where The BLU Spy Are)
(The BLU Spy's POV)

I was irriterede as fuck Where the hell was that Boy?
Why the couldn't I find Him.
I'm also sure that Pyro have not had eney luck Himself.
Where could that Scout have a hiding place that good?!...

This was a death match against the Red Team, the only person left Alive was the Red Scout and if or when He dies then the Blu Team would Win.
I also knew that if the Red Scout Killed Both Him and Proy then My fucking team would loos.... another Death Match against the Red Team.
Right now I was in the sewers, just looking around as I walked back to the Blu Bace, when I heard the Administrator yell off the top of her Lungs.

"60 seconds left in the mission," I heard over the Spickers.

I was still on the Red side of the sewers.

Me a blu spy was walking back to the base with a smile on My face,
I had a good sudden death match.... But it could of gone better if I had just found the red Scout and My team won but it was still a Good match. I swam from the red sewer to My own team's sewer.
I walked round the corner and that's when something Red had caught My eye.

I walked over to where I had seen it, where it was and saw it was a Red shirt like the one the Scout's wear,
I knelt down beside the Red shirt and then noticed there was also a pair of black pants and some red socks... and the Scout's bat, just what the Hell was this.?!

I didn't know what to think?

I moved the clothes around and saw nothing underneath them.
But it was then that I also noticed that the white vest top the Scout's normaly wear underneath their team coloured shirt was missing and his headset... and the Red cap.
But for some reason His silver dog tags where still here in the pile of clothes.

I picked them up and had a closer look at them.

I knew and I had alway wondered why the Scout's have them on.
I looked closley and saw some different writing on both of them.
But it were too small for Myself to make out what it says, I needed Engineer, Sniper or Medic.

so I puts them in My pocket, a small splashing noise caught My attention.
I turned around and what I saw just there caused My heart to stop.

There was by a few steps away from Me, in the water of the sewer ledge sat there playing in the water by the steps onto the sewer ledge, was a little baby that looked about 2 and a half year old, in a white vest top with a Scout type cap on his head backwards and a bit slanted.

Right then and right now I was in utter shock wait... No ... Just no there's no way... there's no way in hell, that this little innocent kind of a baby boy could be the Red Scout?

The Scout's Not down here but... everything here just adds up, other than WHAT turned him into a baby.
I slowly walked towards the baby Scout, kneeled behind him and took a good look at him. Yep... He definatly was the Red Scout those ice blue eyes, the golden brown hair yep... he was Him but How and Who did this! But most inportent was Why?... Why a Baby?!

It was then I noticed that the baby Scout was on his knees

(Concider it hard to see since He's now smaller and in a bigger vest/top)

He was leaning a bit to much forward. Somehow I was Scared that the Scout will hurt Himself. I gently picked him up, luckly for Me, I had baby cousins at home before I came to fight in this War... I turned the little Scout around to face him and gave him a little smile.

"Now...what do you 'ink you are doing little one?" The baby Scout looked up at Me with his little wide eyes.

I could see fear and sadness in the kids eyes, and I knew that if I'm not careful enough the kid could start crying soon, so I started to walk out of the sewer to the Blu base with the little Scout's head on My shoulder.
As I got to the blu's court yard.
I saw the blu Engineer sitting at the top of the steps near the spawn room with a guitar in his hands and a bottle of beer next to him.

Now I just hope that engineer don't notice Me. I don't want the others to know what's goning on and about Scout because I knew that some of the other members of the Blu Team doesn't like The Red Scout.
I'm not sure if they are Gonna hurt or Kill Him when or if they were to know this!... Wait what?

I was a little shocked...he didn't...ah Lucky for Me... The Engineer didn't see Me, as I made My way past Him and into the Bace.
I sighed and started making My to My bedroom. It's going to be a long Night.

Words 1528

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