Chapter 29

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Jacobs face appeared above me in a happy smile,
"I'm here to break you out Ree." He said chirpily, all signs of my exhaustion vanished, including the headache,
"Great, unlock me." I said flatly,
"Okay, lay still." I did, he cut all the restraints and helped me get up, but he locked me in a hug and smashed his lips against mine, I was caught by surprise and rolled with it, letting his lips guide mine. His tongue pressed at my lips and I deepened the kiss, our tongues twined and I explored his mouth. He held me with one hand on my back while the other reached back towards his hip, where the handle of a gun protruded from under his shirt, damn it, leave it to a guy to ruin your life. I pressed my hands against his chest and held on, preparing my muscles to push him as he began raising his hand with the gun, three, two, one, now!, I shoved him just as the gun went off and the bullet buried itself in the wall to my right,
"Damn it!" He screamed, following that with a long line of cursing,
"Oops." I said, faking innocence,
"Oh that's okay, I can still finish the job." His voice had dropped darkly and I decided I was no longer looking at my friend, I was looking at a twisted version of something from hell,
"I can't decide wether to smile because we're friends, or cry, because that's all that we'll ever be." I said,
"Smile, I'd love to see you die happy." He replied coolly, oh, that really hurt, like a pillow,
"Great, we're on the same page here." Then I lunged at him before he could take another shot.

His calm smirk faded as he fell with me on top of him. I pressed my elbow into his throat and he clawed at my arm, his face began to turn bright red,
"Having some trouble breathing there?" I asked bitterly, he replied with a strange strangled noise,
"What was that?" I mocked, placing my ear closer to his mouth, not close enough for him to bite it though, which is exactly what he tried to do,
"Uh, uh, uh. That's naughty." I put my face right above his as it began to purple, "I could kill you, but that could be too nice, I want you to watch this first. The human race has no chance, and I'm not going to live with out a life." First, I released part of his throat from my elbow I leaned over and grabbed the gun from where it had fallen, then held it against my temple,
"Like that?" His eyes widened as he realised my intention, he shook his head in disagreement as I took in my last moments. The gun barrel is cool against my temple, despite it's recent firing, the trigger comfortable and welcoming to my finger, my hair tied back, strands falling over my face, I'm dirty, covered in a layer of grime, the white walls so undisturbed, soon to be splattered with red droplets. I turned my focus back to Jacob, who has a very tear streaked face.
"You were going to kill me anyway." I pointed out,
"They said if you got to kill yourself, they would kill me." He was very upset, and I didn't see the logic in them doing this,
"That's not going to stop me you know." I said, he looked surprised,
"How'd you know I wanted you to stop?" He asked incredulously,
"Because I know you'd want the honour of saying you killed the criminal." I said, his eyes widened more than I thought possible,
"Huh, you know me well." He shrugged,
"Yes. Yes I do." I pressed my finger to the trigger and pulled, the noise echoed through the room loudly as I saw a fast flashing of my life, my parents, sister, friends, the apocalypse, the deaths, the compound, my death. Then the world buzzed away to nothing.


I hope you've all enjoyed the story, I would like to thank my over-active imagination, my insanity, and my friends, who sat through their deaths happily (talking about you Georgia! GeorgiaCallister ) special thanks to those of you who helped me write, such as the special felicity and hannah chapters. But yeah. Soooooooo....this is goodbye I guess, unless you would like to read my other story's, then this is just the beginning...


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