Chapter 14

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"Are you thinking what I am thinking?" Jihyo asked the moment Chaeyoung's presence is out.

"She's Mina's daughter right? Their faces, their attitude, you know what I'm saying?" Momo said doing her signature pose.

"But that's impossible. Like how?" Sana said making a very good point.

"That we dont know. We really don't know what exactly happened back then. The only person who can confirm the truth is the both of them." Nayeon said quietly.

"Is the investigation still going?" Dahyun asked.

"Yeah, but we publicly lie that we stopped probing. So news articles will stop as well" Momo said while munching foods.

"Im scared that Shae's life will turn out different when all of these come out soon" Sana said with concern showing in her voice and eyes.

"We'll protect her at all cost." Tzuyu said to indirectly comfort Sana. These two shared a past that both still can't get over with.

"Has Mina seen Shae already?" Jihyo asked diverting the attention to her.

"Not yet. Even Chaeyoung haven't seen her yet again. A big possibilty that they'll meet at the wedding" Jeongyeon said with nervous voice.

"It will go fine Babe, chill. Destiny will do its work okay? We'll have our wedding happily without concern running in your head" Nayeon said, side hugging Jeongyeon to ease her worries.

"How about Somi?" Dahyun asked.

"We really don't know what happened to her and Chaeng lets just keep an eye on her." Jihyo said whispering.

"What are you guys whispering" Chaeyoung suddenly blurted out that made all of them choke on their foods and others on air.

"We were just telling Momo about scary stuff here in Nancy's Caricature" Nayeon answered with an impromptu lie. Chaeyoung bought her answer and decided to continue what she left earlier.

Fresh nature breeze made the trees sway as it blows its beauty. The moon is almost on its way up, while the sun sets to let the moon have its turn. Fairy lights were decorated on the trees with dangling white and red ribbon on it. The wedding took place in an inner forest inside the city of Los Angeles. In the center at the very end of the space stood platform decorated with grasses and a touch of red and white flowers pasted on the background. N and J letters were placed on the either sides of the platform. In the middle are chairs with red ribbons around it.

Soft jazz took over the silence. Guests who are seated immediately stood up as they hear the music. A girl with white lady suit with an inner red long sleeved polo walks down the aisle having the widest grin that she could offer.

"Jeongyeon-ah enjoy this day" an old lady said as she passed their area.

Jeongyeon stood in front waiting for the others to made their way on the aisle.

Three little boys with three other little girls entered the scene while dropping white petals on the floor making their way up to the end of the walk way. The last kid that entered got all the eyes stare at her. She was different among all, wearing a gown different from other girls, her petals that fallen from her grasp is in red color. She leaves everyone in awe with the flawless beauty that lingers on her face. Until she made it throught the end on the aisle still pairs of eyes were on her.

Tzuyu along with Sana walk down the aisle with flowers on their hands giving Jeongyeon a wink when they got near her. The two struggled to not be obvious that they were into each other's beauty at the moment. They were followed by Dahyun and Momo who is a bit off.

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