LAW update. The scan

Start from the beginning

"You were the one who mentioned twins." She muttered moodily while taking hold of his hand and feeling her lips quirk into a smile.

He glanced at her and noticed the slight smile to her lips; it wasn't because of the thought of having twins, it was just because of the simple action of holding his hand in the car. He broke out into a smile himself, feeling himself lighting up from within. It was getting close to two years that he'd been with Chloe and he still felt like he was in those first heady, dreamy, insanely happy, can't-get-enough-of-you, can't-stop-thinking-about-you flushes of love. He brought the back of her hand up to his lips to kiss her and exchanged a brief but love filled look with her.

"I know we won't find out the baby's sex for a while yet but I actually feel like this one could be a girl, purely because of how different things are this time." She said thoughtfully, lowering her gaze to where their joined hands rested on her left thigh.

Seb glanced in his mirror to check on Luis who was safely harnessed into his car seat, the six month old had already let the motion of the car send him to sleep.

"What do you think?" Chloe asked, when he failed to answer her straight away.

He focused on the road ahead as he thought about it and found himself agreeing with her. It felt like himself and Luis would soon be outnumbered even more with another daughter. "I think a girl too."


With Luis being entertained by Gabriel's receptionist, she found herself feeling quite shaky as she entered the sonography room behind Gabriel who, although he'd been pleased to see them again, had been a little quiet when going over the results of a recent blood test that she'd had done at home.

Feeling her holding his hand tightly, Seb could also feel his wife's nerves. He couldn't lie, he felt nervous too. Chloe had higher than normal levels of the hCG hormone present in her blood and while this could mean she was further along in her pregnancy than she'd thought or was having twins like she'd feared, there was also the possibility that things might not be quite right. Her slightly larger than normal bump was also an indicator that there could be a problem. After the past year or so with Ferrari, staying positive and plastering on a positive expression should come naturally to him but right now he was struggling.

Letting go of his hand for a moment, Chloe got herself onto the bed and eased down the front of her black denim leggings before tucking in the paper towel that Gabriel had passed to her. Her worry was making her stomach churn and insides twist, making her feel like she needed the toilet. So far this appointment was going worse than she'd feared.

"Try not to worry." Gabriel said as he made sure that his equipment was working. "Given your age and good health I'd say that it's unlikely there's a problem, we just have to make you aware of these things."

"I'm trying." She put her hand out for Seb to take it which he did straight away.

"We'll be fine liebe, you'll see." He placed a kiss on her forehead just before he sat down next to her.

The gel was cold as Gabriel applied it to her bare tummy but with her nerves feeling like they'd been through the shredder she didn't even flinch. The lights dimmed and the scan began. She kept her eyes fixed to the ceiling as the minutes started to tick by, she daren't look at Gabriel to see his expression and to get a feel for what he was thinking. She daren't even look at Seb who's hand was now feeling clammy as it squeezed hers. The hum of the ultrasound machine and computer and the little beeps and tapping on the keyboard as Gabriel worked and took measurements were all that could be heard. She kept her eyes on the dimmed spot lights in the ceiling until she could see spots in front of her eyes.


Seb kept switching his focus between his wife and Gabriel. Chloe looked as though she was barely breathing or blinking as she stared solidly at the ceiling while Gabriel's expression was impossible to read. A glance at the clock on the wall told him that almost twenty-five agonising minutes had passed.

Finally Gabriel spoke, making the expectant parents both look at him. "I just need to get Marina to check something with me." He flicked off the screen and rose from his stool.

"What is it?" Seb asked as Chloe put her free hand over her eyes, convinced that something was wrong. "You can tell us what you think is wrong before getting it checked can't you?"

He gave them a passive smile, "I'll be right back."

They sat, feeling helpless as he left the room and Chloe turned her head to stare at Seb with wide, frightened eyes. "Somethings wrong, I know it is. I've been worrying all the way here about having twins and now it turns out that I'm bigger because somethings wrong."

"We don't know that, let's just see what Gabriel says when he comes back." He turned his chair so that he could sit facing her and used his free hand to stroke her cheeks and forehead and then brush some stray strands of her long hair back into place.

She gasped suddenly as an awful thought popped into her head. "What if it's a tumour?"

"Don't even think like that." He scolded, the very idea of it made him go cold from head to toe. "Whatever it is, we'll face it and overcome it together but first we need to hear what Gabriel says before we start letting our minds overthink things."

She nodded mutely, taken aback by his stern tone. She was so grateful to have him by her side, to have him as her husband; there was absolutely no way she'd be able to even begin to deal with whatever bad news Gabriel had for her without Seb. He was her entire life. As they waited she let her eyes wander around the dimly lit room; the ultrasound machine was still humming quietly away with the sound of it's built in fan but it's screen was currently off and made the room darker than it had been. In front of her, on the wall, was another monitor where she had hoped to be looking at her baby by now; instead it looked as though it would stay turned off. The door suddenly opened, letting light temporarily stream into the room as Gabriel returned, followed by one of his chief midwives, Marina.

Seb instantly fixed his gaze on the blonde woman, desperately trying to read her expression and body language as Gabriel switched the screen on again. There was pointing and whispering as he moved the transducer over Chloe's abdomen again and then nodding in confirmation of what he'd seen.

"Thank you Marina." Gabriel spoke again, this time with a smile on his face and he waited for her to leave the room before he carried on. Seeing the agonised, panicked expressions on the couple's faces he finally switched on the monitor in front of them but kept the transducer on Chloe's skin.

The first thing they saw was their baby and they both felt a conflicting mixture of relief and worry. She felt sick now, if Gabriel didn't tell them what was going on soon then she knew she was going to throw up.

"Okay....." He moved the transducer just a little bit. "There's nothing to worry about, everything is just fine, just as it should be."

"So why did you need a second opinion then?" Seb asked, his voice still full of concern.

"Baby number one....." He paused to point at their screen. ".....and this here is baby number two. Congratulations, you're expecting twins."

To be continued.......

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